Bits & Bytes

ABORTION: CLICK [1:06] if you can stand to listen to VFAUXTUS damn those of us who believe the unborn are human person who deserve legal protections and get cheered by those listening to her at the National Baptist Convention.

“For me and President Joe Biden, faith guides our work every day,” she also says, demonstrating that it’s A-OK for them to let faith guide their politics. Us, not so much.

CLIMATE STUPID: According to a poorly written and absurdly sensationalized article in the New York Post, Thwaites Glacier (aka, the “Doomsday glacier”) will fall into the Amundsen Sea off West Antarctica sometime within the next three years. This event – which will no doubt be catastrophic cuz DOOMSDAY! – could potentially raise the global sea level by maybe nothing, probably four feet, and definitely sixteen feet (depending on which confusing sentence you read).

The reality is that, if Thwaites raises the global sea level, it’ll be by an eyelash or two. The four feet number is what NASA says the global sea level would rise if the entire Amundsen Sea region were to melt. NASA also says a conservative estimate of that happening is several centuries and that’s only if global temperatures continue to rise. Since the fall of the Roman Empire, global temperatures have been both warmer and cooler (by a lot) than they are right now.

The big scary sixteen feet figure refers to the amount of water in the ENTIRE Antarctic ice sheet, something the stupid OH NOES DOOMSDAY article muddles so much that I only figured it out by going to the NASA source. But hey, when they’re trying to ruin our lives with “green” policies, they gotta hype the fear as much as possible. My advice is … don’t be stupid.

CNN: Tell me this climate crap isn’t a cult.

CRAP FRANCISCO: Here is what decades of Democrat leadership has wrought –

CLICK [:55]

CLICK [2:20]

CLICK [2:13]

CLICK [2:20]

CLICK [:42]

I have a theory that ‘Frisco’s billionaires have a long-term plan to drive the middle class out by making the city too dangerous, dirty, and expensive for them. When enough of them are gone, they’ll forcibly remove all the riffraff, raze the buildings they don’t want, plant acres of lovely parks, and surround the entire thing with a giant wall.

END TIMES PROPHECY: Luz de Maria reported that, on January 29, 2017, Our Lord Jesus Christ said to her, In this moment, more than in any another, Freemasonry is at its apex, no longer infiltrating but dominating what is Mine, deciding over how to govern My People at this instant and preparing the great shaking of My People in order to bring them like sheep to the slaughter. …

Freemasonry is readying itself to present the great impostor to Humanity, the Antichrist, and you, being ignorant about the Antichrist, will rise up towards him as if he were Me. He will make My children suffer with the most terrible persecution. He hates those who love Me, are obedient to Me and who fulfill the Divine Will. … My beloved people, The Warning is approaching.”

JOE’S ECONOMY: More than a third of American families that work full time cannot cover their basic expenses.

NEW YUCK CITY: Deashe Calhoun (20) is being held on $500K bail after slashing Hubert Meulens (82) with a machete in lower Manhattan. He is in the hospital with a fractured skull and 11 stitches. The Democrats Suck part is that Calhoun has been arrested seven times since March for similar assaults! New York’s INSANE no-bail law allowed this dangerous (and maybe also insane) woman to walk free each time.

NOKO: CLICK to see a brief view of our future under the Global Elites’ feudal, one-world government.

VFAUXTUS: VP Kamala “Word Salad” Harris delivers another book report on a book about work that she clearly still has not read. CLICK [:22].

Best comment: “Teacher: Write a 3 page essay, due tomorrow. Kamala: In large print, triple spaced, and written 1 inch in from the margins. ‘The essay I will write about today because today is the assignment due date, not tomorrow, but was assigned yesterday …’”

VIOLENCE: CLICK to hear “they” commit multiple acts of violence against my favorite language.

GRAMMY NOTES: Many years ago, I had a pretty little rock garden on the hill beside our driveway. I loved maintaining it and enjoying seeing neighbors smile when they walked by. But working in the garden took such a toll that I was often incapacitated for a day or more afterwards. I was out there one day working and praying about whether or not I was being really selfish to put so much of my scarce energy into something that wouldn’t stay done long. God spoke to my heart saying, “Every moment of your life is eternally present to me. So the sacrifice you make to create this piece of beauty is not wasted, but blessed.” As I pondered this idea, it occurred to me that every moment I sin is also eternally present to Him! He reassured me, “When you truly repent and confess your sins, I forget all of it!” God is so good!



CLICK – Watch to the end LOL


Filed under Loose Pollen

2 responses to “Bits & Bytes

  1. Maureen Senzamici

    I love the comment about marrying your best friend!

    Liked by 2 people