Bits & Bytes

AMAZON: The mega-corporation just bought iRobot for $1.7 billion. This means, if you have a Roomba, Amazon will have access to detailed information about the inside of your home. Not that this makes a huge difference, since the newer models store all your information in the cloud where it can be hacked by enterprising thieves and whatnot.

My Automated Palace recommends, “Before bringing a Roomba or other robot vacuum into your home, consider weighing the risks of a potential breach to your privacy.” And this applies to other so-called “smart” devices. If you own a Smart Roomba, a laptop with a built-in webcam*, an Alexa (or similar), a Smart TV, or a phone with apps containing Automated Content Technology Recognition (ACR), please read the article at the second link below.

*I have a desktop computer; my camera/microphone are on a plug-in device that I only plug in for video sessions. I also clean my computer’s cache frequently, particularly if I’ve been shopping or visited my on-line bank account.

CONSPICUOUS CONSUMPTION: Kudos to Balenciaga for figuring out yet another way to fleece the stupid. Some rich people are oh-so-happy to spend absurd amounts for crap provided it has a designer label that proclaims to the world, “Look at me! I can afford to spend absurd amounts for crap like this!

As with pricey designer clothing that goes out of style in 3 months, “conspicuous” is really all this consumption is about. Balenciaga’s creative director is snickering into her champagne. “I couldn’t miss an opportunity to make the most expensive trash bag in the world, because who doesn’t love a fashion scandal?” Or making an insane profit off of people with way more money than sense? I mean, besides being ugly, it’s a terrible design for a tote!

EARTHQUAKES: [13:59] – The Blessed Mother has warned us repeatedly that terrible quakes are coming. This scientist says the same thing.

FAUCI: CLICK [5:20] to hear Sen. Rand Paul talk about the hearings he held about gain-of-function research at Wuhan. Fauci claimed the NIH never funded it; his scientists say that is a lie. I’m thinking Satan has a special corner of Hell all warmed up for Mr. “I am the science.”

FAUXTUS: I’m thanking God that we can afford to eat today.

FBI: Maria Bartiromo reports on Christopher Wray’s congressional testimony. [4:24] – CLICK [:49] to hear Sen. Ted Cruz accuse the FBI of becoming “thoroughly politicized.” To illustrate his concerns, he noted that the Betsy Ross flag, among others, is listed in the FBI’s “Domestic Terrorism Symbols Guide.

FLORIDA: Governor DeSantis has suspended a Soros-supported State Attorney for refusing to prosecute violations of the state’s abortion and transgender laws.

State Attorneys have a duty to prosecute crimes as defined in Florida law, not to pick and choose which laws to enforce based on his personal agenda.” – Gov. DeSantis

CLICK [7:06] to hear a commentary by a man who used to hold the same job.

HUNTER: [4:36] – “But God said to him, ‘You fool, this night your life will be demanded of you; and the things you have prepared, to whom will they belong?’ Thus will it be for the one who stores up treasure for himself but is not rich in what matters to God.” – Luke 12:20-21 NABRE

INFLATION: It’s only going to get worse. The a-holes in D.C. have passed a major climate, tax, and health care package that will majorly increase taxes and everything else. Fortunately for the Elitists, they have lots of loopholes built in to keep the 87,000 new IRS agents that will be hired so from coming after them.

FAUXTUS claimed the new law will save folks Big Bucks on their energy bills. Yeah. Uh huh. He also once said he’d NEVER raise taxes on anyone making less than $400K/year. (Dems voted AGAINST an amendment to the bill that would have limited tax increases on those making $400K/year.)

J6: You can’t be pro-American and pro-election-fraud.

LIES: He forgot “vaccine” and “jobs created.” CLICK [:26] to hear WH Spox say (not in so many words) that the only thing that “matters” is the spin. ALSO [:50] if you can bear to listen to more of her bs.

MILITARY: Today, former President Donald Trump said that, if he returns to the White House in 2025, he’ll rehire the service members who lost their jobs for refusing to take the COVID-19 vaccine AND give them back pay.

PAPER OR PLASTIC: Remember back when the Eco-Nazis decided that paper grocery bags were evil because they killed trees and we should definitely switch to plastic? Now they’re blaming us for the mountains of plastic trash that China dumps into the oceans and demanding we only use paper, because trees are renewable! In the stupider states, plastic grocery bags and plastic straws have been banned.

PELOSI, NANCY: CLICK [:09] to hear House Speaker Pelosi explain why she has always felt a connection to China. And they laughed hysterically at Sarah Palin who NEVER SAID she could see Russia from her house.

PELOSI, PAUL: [5:20] – CLICK [5:20] to hear Fox’s Outnumbered panel talk about Fancy Nancy’s drunk driving hubby who seems to be getting treated with Elitist Privilege by the PTBs. I like their summary: We don’t care if you get rich, just don’t act like a jerk when you do. – The back story is that, on May 28, Paulie P. (82) was on his way home from a dinner party when he smashed his 2021 Porsche into another driver’s 2014 Jeep. Both vehicles were reportedly totaled and the other driver sustained some kind of injury.

The complaint notes that Pelosi failed a field sobriety test and that his “eyes were red/watery, he was unsteady on his feet, his speech was slurred, and he had a strong odor of an alcoholic beverage emanating from his breath.” Then, for some inexplicable reason (“my name is Pelosi?”), police waited two hours before doing a blood alcohol test! It still popped .08%. God alone knows what it was when he was behind the wheel or what else he had imbibed, because it wasn’t just a little wine.

He’s been charged with DUI causing injury. CLICK [5:03] to hear how, the day before his hearing, the judge was suddenly replaced with somebody more Pelosi-friendly.

ROSARY: A friend responded to yesterday’s “My assault weapon has 50 rounds” graphic that, in New York State, we’re limited to ten rounds. So I sent him back the image above. 🙂

GRAMMY NOTES: The Buzzers are getting their gutters cleaned out, so Mama put all the plants in a corner out of the way. I had to laugh. They look like refugees in a bus station waiting room. LOL But seriously, how cute is that kid-sized bench?!


Filed under Loose Pollen

3 responses to “Bits & Bytes

  1. red

    Clean these floor? It would suicide first.
    Kari Lake won the AZ primaries for governor! She calls on all AZ sheriffs to come up with a warrant for Fauci’s arrest. And that’s just to start. YES!

    Liked by 1 person

    • chrissythehyphenated

      He and his bio-weapon + lethal vaxxx cronies are among the biggest mass murderers in history.


      • red

        FDR became a nazi and wealthy liberals followed. This is only the beginning of what hitler had done and the dnc obeys. gates was grinning when he explained his vaxxes are how to reduce the world population by 350,000 a day. How many women were sterilized by the vax? We may never know if liberals get their way. I refused to be vaxxed. VA personnel ask, but never push it and my doctor told me that between us, I was smart not to.

        Liked by 1 person