Bits & Bytes

2A: On June 30, SCOTUS sent four gun cases back to federal appeals courts and told them to try again. In light of recent SCOTUS decisions that upheld our Second Amendment rights, the lower courts will have a tough time finding in favor of the restrictions again.

AOC: CLICK [:44] to hear her say (out loud) that she was getting her nails painted red as a “personal act of reclamation” in response to SCOTUS ruling overturning Roe.

CATHOLIC: [5:09] – A pro-abort woman did about $10K worth of damage to St. Louise Catholic Church in Bellevue, WA. Besides breaking windows and spray painting graffiti all over, she cursed at a woman who was praying in the church’s Adoration Chapel and physically attacked the parish’s administrator.

END TIMES PROPHECY: [17:48] – Fr. James Blount has an exorcism and healing ministry. In the video, he shares an experience he had of the Virgin Mary showing him a black out, three times, and later explaining to him what it means. In short, they are Eucharistic black outs. The first already happened when Catholic Churches agreed to shut down in response to the ‘rona. The second one will be similar and is coming. The third one will be much more severe in that we won’t even be able to watch Mass on-line.

FAUXTUS: CLICK [:26] to see a bizarre moment at the NATO summit.

LIBERAL WORLD ORDER: [4:05] – CLICK [:19] to hear a Biden advisor say that high gas prices are “about the future of the Liberal World Order.”

MASKS: Regional case data provides no discernible evidence that ill-fitting, cloth, or paper masks limit the spread of viruses at all. People should make up their own minds, not be told by the government what to do. Since only the uncomfortably tight N95 masks really work, people who really need to avoid contagion should use them in crowded spaces, especially when stuff is going around.

SCOTUS: Ketanji Brown Jackson made history on June 30 by becoming the first Black female Supreme Court justice. She is also the first justice of any demographic who doesn’t know what a woman is.

TRANS: According to a new NPR/Ipsos poll, 63% of Americans are opposed to allowing males to play female sports, while 24% support it. Hmm … it’s kind of like the 6-3 split we keep seeing with the rash of recent Supreme Court decisions. Dems keep squealing about how the minority is supposedly “ruling” with these decisions, but it looks to me like the court is accurately reflecting what the American people believe.

TRIGGER LAWS: State courts have temporarily stopped abortion bans from going into effect in Florida, Kentucky, Louisiana, Utah, and Texas. Similar blockades in Arizona, Arkansas, and Indiana have been tossed out by SCOTUS. The following will no doubt rapidly change, but at this moment, the state-by-state gestational limits on abortion are:

  • 0 to 6 weeks: 17 states (4 in dispute)
  • 15-22 weeks: 10 states (1 in dispute)
  • 24-25 weeks/viability: 16 states
  • None: 7 states, 2 territories


CLICK for a serious lesson from a serious person.

CLICK to see a rodeo fan LOL.

CLICK for a beautiful lesson about God’s care.

CLICK to see a VERY funny convo ROFL.

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