Bits & Bytes

ABORTION: [2:46] – I feel unutterably sad for that “comedienne.” Judgment awaits her and Hell is forever and ever and ever.

EASTER MEDITATION: This is a beautiful message [6:15].

EDUCATION: [3:31] – Tucker interviews a college student who was punished for saying there are only two genders. Mansplaining: “Any time a man speaks.” Yup.

ENERGY: CLICK [1:02] to hear another one of Biden’s ignorant corruptocrats dodge a simple, straightforward question with a non sequitur.

Q: “Is it more environmentally friendly to develop and produce oil and gas in the U.S. or in foreign countries, like Venezuela?

A: “I’m not an economist.”

FAUXTUS: “Turns out the radical woke agenda of pompous privileged progressives—eradicating borders, chemically castrating children, indoctrinating students, inflating the dollar, coddling criminals, celebrating abortion, sending our wealth overseas—is *very* unpopular with Hispanic voters.” – Stephen Miller

Clearly, they’re “Not pushing ‘Latinx’ enough.” – Clancy O’Hara

GAS PRICES: CLICK [2:08] to hear Sen. Hawley (R) list all the reasons why gas prices are so high … and none of them have to do with Putin invading Ukraine.

CLICK [:32] to hear Sen. Manchin (D) ask Interior Secretary Deb Haaland about a memo regarding shutting down oil leases. Her response is even more inarticulate and useless than the ones she gave Hawley.

HUNTER BIDEN: CLICK [:07] to hear Biden insist during the 2020 presidential debate that his son “has not made money from China.

CLICK the NBC News link to read how an analysis of Hunter’s infamous laptop has revealed that, from 2013 to 2018, a Chinese businessman (who has been accused of fraud) paid Hunter millions for … well, we don’t know for what.

KEITH ALBER: After having talked with Alber and finding the original news article, Snopes confirmed this to be true. But Snopes, being Snopes, couldn’t stop at just confirming the story. They had to go on to slander the Epoch Times, which re-published it, because Oh Em Gee, just because this story turned out to be true doesn’t mean those mean, awful conservatives at the Epoch Times aren’t a bunch of wicked conspiracy theorists!! ::smh::

LIFE: American abortion opinion has shifted significantly for the first time ever. [4:47] – CLICK [3:40] to hear former Planned Parenthood clinic manager talk with Glen Beck. Two things stand out for me in this clip.

One is that the pro-aborts tell us that the decision to abort is the hardest one a woman ever has to make. If that’s actually true, then how can it be that half of them do it more than once? I’ve had some pretty terrible things happen to me in my life and I for damsure avoided letting them happen again!

The second is the idea that women don’t regret their abortions. Actually, they do. It’s just that the abortion providers don’t hear about them, because, as a priest who worked with Rachel’s Vineyard said, “Women don’t go back to the people who hurt them to get help. They come to us.”

SATANISM: [5:50] – This is hard to listen to and maybe harder to believe, but I can tell you from personal experience that it is real. It happened to me. Thankfully, the cultists weren’t family members, but temporary care givers who only had access to me for two weeks at a time when I was 18 months, 20 months, and 24 months old.

I was born with a huge, dark brown birthmark on my right leg. Besides being ugly, the skin was very thin and split easily, so I had three plastic surgeries to cover it with skin harvested from my thighs. The nearest plastic surgeon was 2 hours away and my mom had four other kids to care for, so she took me to the hospital and stayed until I was out of surgery, then didn’t come again until it was time to go home two weeks later.

In the interim, a Satanic cult operating in the pediatric ward had free rein. I may talk more about this at some point, but for now, I’m feeling pretty fragile and need to leave it here.

SUSSMANN TRIAL: Michael Sussmann is on trial for allegedly having lied to the FBI in September 2016. Less than two months before the presidential election, he went to the FBI with “evidence” of a covert communications channel between the Trump Organization and Alfa Bank.

Alfa Bank is the largest of the private banks in Russia. In 2016 and 2017, several media outlets reported that there had been activity between computer servers belonging to Alfa-Bank and the Trump Organization. The FBI and a Senate investigation both concluded the accusations were not true.

The FBI says Sussman told them he was coming to them out of the goodness of his heart or his deep patriotism or something … specifically NOT because he was working for a client. Except he totally was working for the Hillary Clinton campaign.

On Friday, Clinton’s campaign manager, Robby Mook, testified at the trial, under oath, that Clinton herself had personally approved having her campaign disseminate the Alfa Bank hoax. And she herself pushed it hard on her Twitter account.

If you’re wondering how much Twitter values protecting us from disinformation, wonder no more. The false Clinton tweet above is still up at Twitter.

TRANS: A federal district court has issued an order temporarily halting the enforcement of Biden administration mandates requiring all employers and healthcare providers to pay for/provide/perform surgeries, procedures, counseling, and treatments that seek to alter a patient’s biological sex even when such actions violate the employers’ or providers’ religious beliefs.

GRAMMY NOTES: [11:49] – I think this art tutorial applies to a lot of life. Like, substitute “praying” or exercising” or whatever where they say “painting.”

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