Bits & Bytes

ABORTION: [1:38] – EWTN reports on a pro-abortion protest that disrupted a Mass in San Francisco. One commenter wrote, “It would have been so powerful if the whole congregation stood up and prayed for these broken people.” Exactly. Jesus told us, “Pray for those who persecute you.” – Matt 5:44

BIDENFLATION: Can we please get someone in charge who understands economics?

FASCISM: [13:47] – Remember what happened to Japanese-Americans during World War II? Remember how we all thought that was terrible? Hmm.

FAKEBOOK: [4:48] – Mark Dice lists a bunch of “fun” new facts about how lefty corrupt the Effing Bee is.

FENTANYL: “Because of the proliferation of fentanyl and its role in the overdose epidemic, many people wonder what a lethal dose is. There is no easy answer to this, and one dose that may fatal for one person may not be fatal for another. The bottom line is ANY misuse of fentanyl (knowingly or unknowingly) has the potential to cause a fatal overdose.

FLORIDA: CLICK [2:12] to hear DeSantis say there is zero chance of “corporations” (i.e., Disney) succeeding at changing his mind about the anti-grooming bill.

GENDER: The high school investigated the cat butt incident. The trans teacher admitted the post was true and the school reprimanded him/her/them for behaving in an unprofessional manner.

CLICK [:57] to see another trannie who claims he/she/they loves teaching, but just hates going to work because “one driver” (school bus?) “constantly misgenders” him/her/them. Hmm … kinda reminds me of when I was a bus driver and there was another driver who enjoyed making references to my … well, I won’t get explicit. Let’s just say I ignored him, because I loved driving a school bus and he wasn’t worth getting upset about.

LENTEN MEDITATION: “Let us set out with trust on our Lenten journey, sustained by fervent prayer, penance and concern for those in need. In particular, may this Lent be a time of ever greater concern for the needs of children, in our own families and in society as a whole: for they are the future of humanity.” – St. John Paul II

PELOSI: CLICK [5:42] to hear MTG expose the latest dirty trick the DemoRats pulled!

PEOPLE’S CONVOY: On Thursday morning, Ted Cruz talked to participants and went for a ride on one of the trucks.

RUSSIAN OIL: CLICK [3:14] to hear Dan Bongino talk about when Trump warned the world about depending on Russian oil.

UKRAINE: [5:15] – Our Lady has appeared in Ukraine twice. In 1914, she appeared to 22 people, saying, “There will be a war. Russia will become a godless country. Ukraine, as a nation, will suffer terribly for eighty years – and will have to live through the world wars, but will be free afterwards.”

On April 27, 1987 – exactly one year after the Chernobyl disaster – she appeared again and continued to appear for about four months. Over this time, about 500,000 people witnessed these apparitions, including KGB soldiers. You can click the link to read her messages.

VIRGINIA: CLICK to see a series of video clips from a fiery Fairfax school board meeting. Part way through, the entire school board fled the room. Parents continued with a dramatic reading from the “Race to the Bottom” that exposes corruption of school boards.

Luke Rosiak, author of the book, reports, “The school board got rid of the entrance exam to its math magnet school because of the CRT conspiracy theory that tests are racist. A judge found they broke the law, but they refused to relent, saying they’d appeal. This morning, they lost again when a judge denied a stay.


Filed under Loose Pollen

2 responses to “Bits & Bytes

  1. Awesome letter from a mom in Florida to the CEO of Disney.

    “We cannot trust Disney any longer”

    I reformatted the tweet to be easier to read (I hope) on my site. Also, in case Twitter deletes the original.

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