Bits & Bytes

BILL BARR: CLICK [8:20] to hear an OANN report about RINO Bill. I remember when Trump nominated him, people said he was a “straight shooter.” Yeah, no. He was and is an elitist swamp rat who never stood up for a single thing that mattered when he was Trump’s Attorney General. “He likes his money. He likes the swamp. And he likes cheeseburgers. … He’s just a plus-sized version of James Comey.”

CANADA: Welcome to the New World Order where truth is fungible and morality is whatever advances the Left’s political agenda.

Case in point: When talking about Canadians who peacefully protest his harmful policies, he called them white supremacists and members of a fringe minority with unacceptable views. He said they just take up space and questioned if we should tolerate them.

CLICK [:52] to hear him blather on about listening to others and trying to understand their point of view … in Europe … YESTERDAY.

DELTA: CLICK [2:20] to see a Delta employee demand a passenger reverse his “F*** Biden” hoodie. When he took off his mask to comply, she had him evicted from the airplane for not wearing a mask! It turns out she was totally lying when she said the company had a policy against the slogan on his shirt. It doesn’t have any clothing policies beyond the mask thing. I wonder if she would’ve had a problem if the shirt had said “F*** Trump.”

ELECTRIC VEHICLES: The Left’s facile “solution” to high gas prices is “just buy electric cars” totally ignores a whole range of economic and environmental issues. Just one of these is the availability and cost of lithium, which is an essential component in EV batteries.

For example, claiming that EVs are supposed more “green” ignores the fact that the world’s limited supply of lithium is buried deep in the earth’s core, where it is difficult to mine. In fact, lithium mining is similar to coal mining, oil drilling, and fracking, all of which the enviro-left consider unacceptable.

In addition, while the price of lithium is currently fairly low, if demand increases, we can expect that to change, possibly by a whole heckuva lot. When the price of lithium goes up, so will the cost of manufacturing lithium-ion batteries and subsequently the purchase price of the vehicles that use them.

GAS PRICES: FAUXTUS refers to the high prices at the pump as “Putin’s price hike.” Ron DeSantis has a more accurate name: “Bidenflation.

CLICK [2:14] to see a montage of Biden’s hostility to American fossil fuel production.

And just FYI … that oil he magnanimously released from our emergency reserve? Back when oil prices were at rock bottom, because U.S. production was sky high, TRUMP bought it to replace the oil Obama had released and never put back.

LENTEN MEDITATION: My whole strength lies in prayer and sacrifice; these are my invincible arms; they can move hearts far better than words.” St. Therese of Lisieux

LOCKDOWNS: A new CDC report highlights the high cost kids paid to keep them “safe” from a virus that poses little risk to them. Pediatric emergency room visits due to mental health conditions skyrocketed during the pandemic. From March 2020 to October 2020, pediatric ER visits for mental health conditions increased 24% among kids ages 5 to 11 and 31% among adolescents ages 12 to 17. Among adolescent females, the number of ER visits for eating disorders doubled.

Even worse, the lockdowns didn’t work. Two new studies conclude that they “had little to no effect on Covid-19 mortality” and “should be rejected as a pandemic policy instrument.

MASKS: A retrospective study of school children in Catalonia, Spain, from Sept. 13, 2021, to Dec. 22, 2021, showed that kids who were not required to mask had a lower incidence of COVID-19 than did those who were required to mask.

CLICK [:33] to see what California schools are still doing to children.

NEW YORK: I must’ve missed the memo about how my sucky state legalized recreational marijuana use. But one of my alert readers tipped me off to the Dems’ super duper plan to give cannabis retail license priority to those who have been disproportionately impacted by the enforcement of marijuana prohibition, which includes individuals convicted of a marijuana offense before its legalization on March 31, 2021, and the relatives of convicted individuals (parents, guardians, children, spouses and dependents).

PEOPLE’S CONVOY: CLICK [5:55] for an OANN update.

PEST CONTROL: The EPA has approved the use of genetically engineered Aedes aegypti mosquitoes in certain areas of California and Florida. The Aedes aegypti, whichcarries diseases like dengue fever, yellow fever, and the Zika virus, was first detected in the U.S. in 2013 and has been spreading ever since. The modified mosquitoes are males carrying a gene that is lethal to offspring. It will be great if this works, because chemical pest control harms the pollinators we really need.

TRANS: Gender activists are deeply anti-woman.

UKRAINE: [4:37] – Major Archbishop Sviatoslav Shevchuk of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church talks about the impact of the war on civilians, thanks those taking in refugees and sending humanitarian aid, and says people have told him they have seen “luminous angels” over the country. He believes Kyiv’s patron, St. Michael the Archangel, as well as the the whole Heavenly Host, fight alongside the Ukrainians.


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