Bits & Bytes

DEMOCRATS SUCK: I’d say it’s a good bet they also oppose the Second Amendment and would never even consider enlisting in the military.

FAUCI: CLICK [7:12] to hear how Tony’s star has waned. “It’s not clear what stage of grief Tony is in.

GROCERIES: The sanctions the U.S. and other nations are levying on Russia for its aggressive invasion of Ukraine is going to hit our grocery budgets hard, because Russia is a leading producer of the fertilizers and additives that American farmers need.

Biden says we are unhappy, because we don’t appreciate all he’s done for us. Hubby and I think we are unhappy, because we know exactly what he’s done to us.

LENTEN MEDITATION: Prayer is not something that we do merely to placate our own feelings. Prayer is not good vibes or happy thoughts. Prayer is electrifying through the cosmos in the spiritual realm, and terrifying to the demons. And if you find yourself doubting that, doubting that prayer at a time like this actually makes a difference, keep in mind that if the evil acts of those half a world away are bringing darkness to your soul – anger, frustration, grief, worry, doubt – if they can have that effect on you, half a world away, you can have that effect on them, half a world away, by your prayers in the name of Christ our Lord.” – Fr. Steve Matthewes

MEDIA: MSNBC managed to scrounge up its first and only “victim” of voter suppression. Except the so-called “victim” is merely someone who failed to re-register in Texas after returning from living elsewhere.

SCOTUS: In late July of 2020, a U.S. Appeals Court overturned the death sentence for Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev. This week, the Supremes voted 6-3 to reinstate it. Clarence Thomas wrote the majority opinion (linked below). Breyer, Kagan and Sotomayor were the three dissenting votes.

SOCIALISM: If socialism is so wonderful, why do socialist nations need walls, barbed wire, and armed guards to keep citizens from leaving? CLICK [2:35] to hear about the sacrifices people have made to escape from socialist countries where everything is free except you.

TRANS: Iowa struck a blow in the trans war on women when Iowa’s Governor Reynolds signed a bill against trannies competing on school, college and university sports teams that do not correspond with their biological genders.

UKRAINE: CLICK [6:12] to see a Newsmax report.

WOKE NONSENSE: So, they tell us that nobody can help who they’re attracted to … unless you’re not attracted to fat people, then you’re evil. CLICK [4:18] to hear Michael Knowles talk about the identity and phobia fallacies that the Left promotes today.

GRAMMY NOTES: OW OW OW OW OW … we always buy MILD salsa and we especially like Stonewall Kitchen’s brand salsas … so imagine my surprise (and pain) when I chomped into some chips slathered with the salsa from a new jar. ::coughcough:: I googled “ghost pepper” and I’m thinking my grocery shopping hubby did not know (any more than I did) that ghost peppers are the HOTTEST IN THE WORLD. Maybe I can use it up a teaspoon at a time in stew …


Filed under Loose Pollen

3 responses to “Bits & Bytes

  1. Ghost peppers surprise – that’s supposed to be some really hot stuff. Glad you survived.

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