Bits & Bytes

BOYCOTT HERSHEY: You have to actually read this article to get the full flavor of how jackbooty the company has been toward employees who refuse the vaxxx.

CANADA: CLICK to read a collection of Trudeau’s vicious tweets condemning the trucker protest.

CLICK [:34] to hear a Conservative leader call out Trudeau for his nasty rhetoric and cowardly refusal to meet with protesters.

CLICK [12:06] to hear Damani Bryant Felder talk about why the truckers are winning. Brandon Morse at Red State (link below) has similar thoughts.

The Mayor of Ottawa called some tow companies and asked them to start towing trucks out of the city. The tow companies replied, “We’ve got Co-vid.”

DUH: A new analysis by researchers at Johns Hopkins University says the lockdowns, school closures, border closures, and limited gatherings in the U.S. and Europe had little or no impact on COVID-19 mortality. They did, however, trash the economy and mental health. “In consequence, lockdown policies are ill-founded and should be rejected as a pandemic policy instrument.”

FIRST AMENDMENT: On Jan. 27, a high school junior filed a lawsuit in federal court to fight for his right to talk about his religion. In October, his high school had suspended him for three days for expressing his Christian beliefs and opinions in private conversations. He was told he must stop all religious conversations with other students both during and outside of school hours and was told that anything he did or said in school, outside of school, or on social media could negatively affect his future employment prospects.

NORTH KOREA: [9:06] – This is what the globalist elites want for everybody.

PSAKI BOMBS: [4:00] – Mike Huckabee exposes Jen’s latest blatant lies. His solution to our indebtedness to the ChiComs sounds like something Trump would propose.

SENATE: Sen. Ben Ray Lujan (D-NM) has suffered a stroke. While he is expected to make a full recovery, his hospitalization and absence mean Biden will need a Republican to vote to confirm his Supreme Court nominee.

STUNNING IDIOCY: CLICK [4:18] to hear Ben Shapiro debunk the Left’s claim that all inequity is evil.

TRANSPHOBIA: [1:53] – Psychologist Armando Simón says we should proudly reject the castration and genital mutilation cult that is the trans movement.

UKRAINE: Biden has ordered 3,000 troops to Eastern Europe.

VAXXX: A 37-year-old man who was in perfect health got a Moderna booster shot. A brain rupture and two cardiac arrests later, the doctors says he’s brain dead and want to remove his life support. His wife is 9 months pregnant.

WHOOPI: Yes, she really did say it. She also got suspended for two weeks and has been forced to apologize. But she said it, which makes me think she’s bucking to steal the “Dumbest Woman on Television” trophy from Joy Reid.

CLICK [:47] to hear Scott Walker talk about how typical she is of the elitists on the Left.

GRAMMY NOTES: CLICK [2:00] to see a group of bratty University of Illinois students do their best to drown out a YAF speech. There is another clip from inside the lecture hall where this group apparently had come in as if they intended to listen only to get up and leave as soon as the speaker (Jeff Sessions) began to talk. Sessions said to his remaining audience, “They might not like freedom of speech, but we’re here.

One commenter wrote, “I’m sure their parents are so proud!” I responded, “I suspect you meant that sarcastically, as I would have as well until I got a parenting lecture from a dad who is only 6 months older than my eldest.

I had recounted what I thought was an amusing tale about how, many years ago when we were having a family movie night, I had followed through on my threat to stop the movie in the middle and return the tape to the rental store if the girls didn’t stop bickering and kicking each other.

Where I thought the story was an example of good parenting, this guy told me that threatening them at all had not just been bad parenting, but actually what he called ‘violent.’ I’m sorry, but what?! I didn’t hit them. I just didn’t let them see the end of a movie, because they were hitting each other! Sheesh!

He insisted that they had only been misbehaving because they had unmet needs and that it was my job to discern what those needs were and then meet them. Nothing I said about preparing them for the demands of real life made a dent in his smug assurance, so I dropped it.

But it bugged the heck out of me, so I talked it over with my eldest, who said she was quite sure that she and her sisters were now in excellent marriages and raising great kids in large part because of our excellent example and parenting.

This guy told me he got his parenting ideas from a book. I have to wonder if the parents of the nitwits in this video read the same book and are, in fact, really proud of them.”

CLICK [:29]

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Filed under Loose Pollen

One response to “Bits & Bytes

  1. “A new analysis by researchers at Johns Hopkins University says the lockdowns, school closures, border closures, and limited gatherings in the U.S. and Europe had little or no impact on COVID-19 mortality. They did, however, trash the economy and mental health.” Welcome to reality, you schmucks. This is exactly what normal people have been saying from the get-go, and in consequence we have been called conspiracy theorists, science deniers, and murderous psychopaths who just want to kill granny.

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