Bits & Bytes

ALEC BALDWIN: CLICK [1:09] to hear what appears to be the defense he and his lawyers cooked up. Before you believe him, remember that he is an A-list actor who has been nominated many, many times for acting awards and won a bunch of them. I’m guessing he is even more skilled at telling lies convincingly than Jussie Smollett who, you may recall, cried big ol’ crocodile tears about the night he claimed Trump supporters mugged him.

BIDEN ECONOMY: CLICK [:14] to hear VFAUXTUS make a very puzzling remark. Does she even realize her people created this mess? Or is she campaigning to get Slow Joe retired sooner rather than later?

BORDER: During the seven days from Oct. 27 through Nov. 2, 22,651 illegal aliens from 40 countries were apprehended in Texas near the U.S.–Mexico border. Among the poor migrants seeking a better life in our horribly racist country have been 48 fugitives, 13 gang members, drug mules toting more than 4,000 pounds of marijuana, 669 pounds of methamphetamine, and 87 pounds of cocaine. Also confiscated were 27 handguns, three long guns, and more than $188,000 in cash. Such numbers are no longer unusual.

GREECE: This one is making my blood run cold – Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis just announced mandatory COVID-19 vaccination for ALL Greeks above 60 years of age. Starting January 16, those who DARE to refuse the jab will have to pay a 100 euro fine ($114 USD) every month. Please, God, don’t let this give FAUXTUS any ideas!!

HEALTH CARE: A thoughtful article about why healthcare professionals have been largely silent.

When I was hospitalized last month, some of the nurses spoke with me openly, but privately about their deep-seated anger over the vaxxx mandates. One said she had caved and gotten the jab the week before. One said she was quitting when the deadline hit. A third said she was a full-time floater who routinely moved around; she was going to move to states that weren’t enforcing the mandate.

JUSSIE SMOLLETT: The trial for former “Empire” actor Jussie Smollett on charges that he faked a hate crime in Chicago began this week. Click the links to read what the brothers he hired to do the job have testified.

LIAR IN CHIEF: CLICK [:34] to hear Slow Joe confabulate again.

OMICRON: The South African doctor who first identified the new variant says that so far they’re only seeing mild to moderate cases that don’t need hospitalization. The predominant symptoms seem to be fatigue that lasts a day or two, scratchy throat, body aches and pain. Apart from the scratchy throat, that list describes my day-to-day life!

I really want us to catch this variant so we can get natural immunity to the rest of them. And the news is positive. A Minnesota man has been confirmed as having caught and recovered from the Omicron variant. He reportedly only had mild symptoms, which began on Nov. 22, before South Africa notified the world and got travel banned for their trouble. The man’s only recent travel was to New York City for a vaxxxed-only convention.

OXFORD HIGH SHOOTING: From DC Draino – “Meet Tate Myre. He gave his life yesterday to save his classmates at the Oxford High School shooting. He was shot in an attempt to disarm the gunman, and died on the way to the hospital in a patrol car. He died a hero. I don’t want to know anything about the shooter. Let Tate be the story.”

PANDEMIA: Alex Berenson went to Yale and used to work for the New York Times where he covered the drug industry and financial fraud. He’s been tracking the facts about COVID-19 from the beginning. He’s also been fighting repeated censorship for reporting these facts which are now compiled into book form.

PSAKI: I’m sorry about posting yet another clip of this awful woman, but dayum! CLICK [:16] … or just take my word for it that she blames mass looting on COVID.

SCOTUS: A pro-abortion attorney told the court that “the burden of parenthood is an obstacle to women’s success.” One of the women on the court, Amy Coney Barrett, is the mother of seven. I can’t bring myself to read and report on the case. I care too much, so I’m spending my time in prayer. If you want to read …

GRAMMY NOTES: This reminds me of when my firstborn was a toddler who was obsessed with her toy phone. My kitchen timer rang and she went tearing into the living room where her toy phone sat on her toy piano, snatched up the headset and said, “Hello?! Hello?!” I laughed so hard. I still laugh, because she is now a 40-something mom who is still obsessed with her phone LOL.

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