Bits & Bytes

AMAZING WOMAN: [3:31] – I remember back in the 1970s seeing “A Day in the Life of Bonnie Consolo.” Very similar story. It made a huge impression on me.

ARIZONA: LONG lines for the Trump July 24, 2021 rally! [:45] – Remember the pic I posted of the barely there “crowd” that gathered to hear FAUXTUS? CLICK [:45] to see and hear the audience The Donald drew on Saturday! There are also three short clips from his speech @

CREEPY VEE PEE: Above left is one of the many images of then-Vice President Joe Biden fondling young girls right in front of television cameras. This one occurred on January 3, 2015, when Biden was swearing in Senator Steve Daines. The little girl, Daines’ niece, was eight years old at the time. Above right is a recent screenshot of a TikTok exchange with the girl, Maria Piacesi, during which she confirms that Joe Biden pinched her nipple.

EUROPE: On July 24, anti-lockdown and anti-vaccine-passport protests erupted as thousands upon thousands of demonstrators came out in London, Dublin, Paris, Rome, Athens, and other cities across Europe.

FAUXTUS: CLICK [2:16] to hear an Australian newscaster mock our incoherent president and the people who did not tell him to get off the stage.

MEDIA: CLICK [:40] to see the Twitter video that outed this reporter’s fakery.

RAAACISM: This really gives the lie to CRT’s claim that kids are innately racist. CLICK [1:32]. The graphic is a still from another adorable video showing two bffs running to meet each other with a huge hug.

TOLERANCE: CLICK [:31] to see one of those loving leftists accost Tucker Carlson at a fishing shop in Montana. In the clip, the jerk starts ranting at Carlson about how he’s “the worst human being known to man.” Carlson says he’s with his daughter, to which Mr. Tolerance says, “I don’t care”, and continues his hate-filled rant. Delighted lefties liked and retweeted it thousands of times. Then, rational righties ratio’d it with a host of amusing put downs about how a fat drunk throwing a male “Karen” hissy fit at a guy who is on vacation with his child is not a reason to cheer.

WHEESTROLL: [4:04] – Ten high school students took up the challenge to find a way for a man in a wheelchair to safely take his baby for a walk. The project was entered into an international competition where it won awards for the “Best Inspirational Story” and “Best Showcase of Iterative Design” for the 14-18 age group.

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