Bits & Bytes

CANADA: The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario, a medical licensing body wielding the power of the state, has taken an aggressive move to silence dissent.

Doctors in British Columbia are also being warned they could face investigation or penalties from their regulatory body if they contradict public health orders or guidance about COVID-19.

Basically, it’s “turn off your brain and your conscience and toe the party line … or else.”

COVID-19: WATCH Tucker Carlson and Dr. Peter McCullough discuss early treatment for Covid-19. This IS worth your time! [45:29] – One outstanding point they make is that the PTBs pooh pooh early drug treatment protocols, because there isn’t enough evidence they work. Yet these same people are pushing an untested vaccine on the whole world. Tucker keeps asking Dr. McCullough, “Why is this happening?” You need to hear his answer.

It is the most convincing, revealing, and important video that I have ever seen about COVID. There is more greatly needed truth packed into those 45 minutes than you would find in perhaps 100 articles in the mainstream media – if at all. This is an interview that you CAN give to friends, relatives and others who have been giving you a hard time about what you may have been telling them about what you have been reading in LifeSite. McCullough is highly professional, cautious, reasonable, respectful, and aware that he needs to present his evidence in the most convincing and believable manner.” – Steve Jalsevac, LifeSiteNews

INDIA: The COVID-19 surge in India appears to be largely propaganda. In Mumbai, 85% of new cases are asymptomatic. In Bangalore, over 95% were asymptomatic. And the death count is decidedly underwhelming. The article gives a number of plausible explanations that echo those discussed in the Carlson-McCullough interview.

JAN. 6: The Department of Justice (DOJ) has filed new charges against reported Black Lives Matter (BLM) activist John Sullivan for his role in the Capitol breach, saying that Sullivan allegedly told others later that he brought along a megaphone to incite riots inside the building.

MACHINE VOTES: Here’s yet another reason to demand NO machines be involved in our elections. Auditors in Windham, New Hampshire, discovered that a fold through a vote target can skew results. A hand count from a local election discovered scanners shorted a Democrat candidate by 99 votes while awarding Republican candidates 300 too many.

MEDIA: [11:22] – A former NYT science reporter has admitted that he and a great many of his colleagues willfully tarred the Wuhan leak theory, because they didn’t like the people who wanted to investigate it.

What all these science journalists won’t admit is they got took by their best scientist sources, who misled them, on purpose, to the detriment of science, journalism and our public health. The scientists who got it right were the ones who had no conflicts of interest.” – Josh Rogin

If you are writing a piece defending yourself for being wrong for a year about the lab leak hypothesis by blaming everyone else except yourself for your own wrongness, you haven’t learned a thing and you are just engaged in bullshit navel-gazing that literally nobody cares about.” – Josh Rogin

NOTRE DAME: After word got out that the University of Notre Dame had invited FAUXTUS to speak at the 2021 commencement ceremony, 4,500 people signed a petition urging university president, the Rev. John I. Jenkins, to disinvite him and not give him an honorary degree, as is university tradition.

[Biden] rejects Church teachings on abortion, marriage, sex and gender and is hostile to religious liberty,” the petition states. “He embraces the most pro-abortion and anti-religious liberty public policy program in history.”

A White House spokesperson confirmed that the university did invite Biden, but that he cannot attend because of a scheduling conflict.

PLANNED PARENTHOOD: Planned Parenthood CEO Alexis McGill Johnson condemned heartbeat laws as “cruel” and “diabolical.”

Project much, Alexis?

PROJECT VERITAS: Two Facebook insiders have brought internal company documents to PV that detail the company’s organized campaign to stifle any and all negative talk about coronavirus vaccines. The people in charge of this effort report directly to Mark Zuckerberg.

RELIGIOUS LIBERTY: The city of Chicago has dismissed both “disorderly conduct and mob action” citations against two pastors who held a morning and an evening service on May 17, 2020. The pastors were charged for having more than 10 people in their large sanctuaries for worship.

RUTGERS: On Friday, hundreds of Rutgers University students and their parents held a rally to protest the school’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate for students.

The mandate doesn’t apply to students enrolled in fully remote online programs; it also allows exemptions from vaccination on medical or religious grounds. It also doesn’t apply to faculty and staff.

SATAN LAUGHS: A recent survey shows how much damage Satan has done to our culture in the past century.*

Younger Americans are significantly more likely than the two previous generations to embrace horoscopes as a guide and Karma as a life principle, to see “getting even” with others as defensible, to accept evolution over creation, and to view owning property as fostering economic injustice.

On spiritual matters, Americans younger than 55 are far more likely to distrust the Bible and to believe God is uninvolved in people’s lives.

90% of Builders believe you treat others as you want them to treat you, while less than half of Millennials agree.

Although 57% of Millennials call themselves Christian, only 44% of Millennials agree that Satan is real and influential.

Thirty-one percent of today’s teens and young adults “strongly agree” that what is “morally right and wrong changes over time, based on society,” compared to just 25% in 2018.

Only 28% of Boomers either don’t know, don’t care, or don’t believe God exists; 43% of Millennials fall into this category.

*Builders (born 1927-1945); Boomers (born 1946-1964); Gen X (born 1965-1983); Millennials (born 1984-2002).

VAX: Former U.S. Health and Human Services (HHS) COVID-19 advisor Dr. Paul Alexander is warning that children’s risk of harm from the COVID-19 vaccines is significantly greater than their risk of harm from the virus. He says vaccinating kids is “reckless.”

WUHAN: CLICK [9:13] to hear Tucker tell us that the “science is settled” … COVID-19 is a man-made virus that escaped from a Chinese virus research lab that was funded, in part, by U.S. taxpayers, courtesy of Tony Fauci’s NIH. Also, Tony Fauci is a liar. But we have known both of these things for a long time.

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