Bits & Bytes

2020_04 04 quarantine goals

2020_04 04 Melania masks

MITIGATION: In addition to self-quarantine, social distancing, and hand washing, the CDC is now recommending that people wear DIY cloth masks when they go out. Don’t forget … you STILL need to stay 6 feet away from other people!

2020_04 D in DIY mask

Photo: Dearest in the mask I made him. For more information about DIY cloth masks, see my previous blog.

CORONAVIRUS UPDATE: The April 2 Task Force briefing was a long one. I didn’t have the energy to listen to another one [2:16:04]. The April 3 briefing is a lot shorter. The video is 1:45:45 but the briefing doesn’t start until 28 minutes in.

TESTS: The rapid test is being manufactured and distributed. An antibody test has just been approved by the FDA.

VIDEO: [2:33] – Peter Navarro, Director of the Office of Trade and Manufacturing Policy, talks about how the pandemic has shown us that Trump has been right all along about globalism.

Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said Thursday that the first round of stimulus checks would be directly deposited into Americans’ bank accounts in about two weeks.

Under Trump’s direction, COVID-19 care will be provided for the uninsured.

POTUS has tested negative for COVID-19 for the second time.

Emergency rooms in New York City hospitals are starting to see fewer patients, but more of them are testing positive for the CCP virus, and many need hospitalization.

The American Hospital Association said April 1 that federal authorities have thousands of ventilators in reserve and will distribute them to needy states according to a new process.

The number of Americans who filed claims for unemployment surged to more than 6.6 million last week, doubling the previous week’s total of 3.3 million — which had been a record week itself.

On April 2, two cruise ships were given permission to dock and unload passengers in Florida after spending two weeks at sea with passengers who contracted coronavirus. Some passengers were transported to a local hospital. Foreign nationals were taken on specially sanitized buses to chartered planes to return them to their own countries. Asymptomatic passengers from the Zaandam have been taken on by its sister ship, the Rotterdam.

VIDEO: McCarthy rips Pelosi’s ‘pure politics’ response to coronavirus [5:44].

2020_04 04 schumer trump

TRUMP: President Trump sent Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) a letter rebuking him for repeating “incorrect soundbites” that were “wrong in every way.” Trump accused Schumer of focusing too much attention on the impeachment “hoax” and not enough of preparing his state for the pandemic. “No wonder AOC is thinking about running against you,” wrote Trump. Schumer replied: Stop the pettiness. Be a leader. Do your job.” 

22020_04 04 NYC wilkerson prophecy

NEW YORK CITY: New York City has emerged as ground zero of America’s fight against the Wuhan coronavirus. The Empire State accounts for nearly half of the nation’s confirmed cases and mortalities alike, most of them in the metropolitan area.

2020_04 04 nipple rings

Our hypocritical Democratic (I repeat myself) governor said at one of his briefings, “If everything we do saves just one life, I’ll be happy.” What a load of donkey do! Not only did this man sign a law that declared abortion legal on any and all unborn babies, at any time and for any reason, but he also specifically declined to buy ventilators!

When his own health advisor said, “We need to buy more ventilators, so we’ll have enough if we have an epidemic.” Cuomo said no. Instead he told his health people to develop a plan to ration the ventilators they had if an epidemic happened. Kinda like how Obama didn’t replace the stuff he took out of the health stockpile for Swine Flu and another Democrat actually dismantled California’s emergency stockpile.

In 2015, Cuomo could have purchased 16,000 ventilators for $36,000 apiece or a total of $576 million. He didn’t want to. Hey, it would’ve taken funds away from his Very Important Boondoggle projects that funneled New York taxpayers’ money into his cronies’ pockets.

Since taking office in 2011, Gov. Cuomo has doled out more than $10 billion in so-called economic-development projects that have delivered little more than ribbon-cutting photo ops.

So far, in New York City, 1 out of every 4 people with a confirmed case has been hospitalized, and 44% of them have needed a ventilator. Cuomo is blaming Trump for the fact that his hospitals don’t have enough ventilators.

I wonder who he’d be blaming if Shrillary had won, cuz you know, Democrats NEVER take responsibility for anything they do.

IRONY ABOUNDS: Media Madness video [7:22]Reporters keep asking Donald “fascist dictator literally Hitler” Trump why he is letting state governors decide how much to clamp down on the stay-at-home thing. His answer is always the same. I.e., a single federal rule isn’t appropriate. State conditions vary greatly and the governors can respond better to their local conditions.

He’s done the same with the Defense Production Act and internal travel bans. I.e., NOT using the Jackboot of Federal Power unless it becomes absolutely necessary … even as Democrats criticize him for NOT imposing top down, one-size-fits-all “solutions.”

IOW, we have not just a national, but an international emergency that would be IDEAL for him to actually behave like a “fascist dictator literally Hitler” and HE’S NOT DOING IT.

(If you’re not familiar with how very common the “fascist dictator literally Hitler” thing has been, google each of those terms with the word Trump then check out the articles and the images you get back.)

2020_04 04 Trump v Hitler

UPDATE: Another one popped into my Facebook timeline – One day after county officials linked the outbreak of coronavirus in New Orleans to its celebration of Mardi Gras, the city’s Democratic mayor, LaToya Cantrell, was out and about blaming Trump (not herself) for not having called it off.

2020_04 03 media

MEDIA MALPRACTICE: On Wednesday, ABC’s Nightline co-host Byron Pitts ended an interview with Vice President Mike Pence by asking him “not in a political way,” but whether he “talk[s] to God” about feeling remorse for Americans who have died “because of steps the federal government did not take soon enough.”

I have never been quite so happy about my January 1979 decision to turn off my television for good and that, after Dearest and I got engaged later that year and were discussing our future together, he agreed.

2020_04 04 msnbc

MEDIA MALPRACTICE: On Friday, MSNBC anchor Stephanie Ruhle kept up her network’s effort to actually blame competitor Fox News for the spread of coronavirus across the country. She and her guests repeatedly suggested that Fox was providing “misinformation” that would “put people’s lives in danger.”

None of them had a speck of actual evidence to support their heinous claim. Now, I don’t think lying about a competitor puts people’s lives in danger … unless the inevitable loss of precious IQ points due to watching MSNBC causes someone to do something fatal that earns them a Darwin Award. Then, maybe it does.

2020_04 04 joe

MEDIA MALPRACTICE: I hear Morning Joe is, shock!, lying about President Trump’s handling of the pandemic. No, really?! Who woulda thunk.

Joe Scarborough claimed that everybody saw this coming in early January.

Yeah, no.

I’ve debunked this before, but MRCTV says they even went back and checked Morning Joe’s episodes from early January to see if they mis-remembered.

Nope, they were all focused on impeachment.

MEDIA MALPRACTICE: Worth watching [7:47] Remember the couple that drank koi pond cleaner, allegedly because President Trump had allegedly recommended it. She got sick; he died.

Steven Crowder has new and exclusive information about the woman and about how the Mainstream Media either covered up her Democrat-donating, Trump-hating, spousal-abusing background or just didn’t bother to investigate her.

2020_04 04 un

UNITED NATIONS: This week, Democrats and their media lapdogs have been snarking at The Donald for supposedly not having done enough back in January, when they were busy impeaching him, and again in February when they were busy encouraging Americans that it was perfectly safe to go to movies and block parties, etc.

Now their favorite globalist money sucker has announced that it is going to start doing something to help us all ... just as soon as each nation fork over 10% of its national income.

This would amount to about $8.7 trillion which the U.N. assures us would be put into a massive stimulus package which they would then oh-so-wisely GIVE BACK TO THE NATIONS to help with the pandemic (minus a “small” service and handling charge, of course).

Oh, and while we’re at it, they also want $100 billion for the World Health Organization, whose president has been blamed for helping to cause the coronavirus pandemic by repeating in January the Chinese government’s false claim that COVID-19 is not transmissible to humans.

I’m thinking it would be easier and cheaper if we all just kept our money where it has been all along … working on pandemic response … which we’ve been doing for months while the United Nations has done nothing!

2020_04 04 Child never mistake

ABORTION: Many state governors have included abortion on the non-essential, elective surgery list in order to preserve the scarce supplies (like masks, gowns, etc.) for COVID-19 patient care.

Planned Parenthood has been fighting them in court and is now begging supporters to send them protective equipment and other supplies while other doctors and nurses go without as they try to save the lives of coronavirus patients.

Because, at Planned Parenthood, killing babies is more important than saving lives.

2020_04 04 jemele hill

TDS: Former ESPN sports reporter Jemele Hill was outraged that Patriots owner Robert Kraft and family paid to send a Boeing 767 to Shenzhen, China, to pick up 1.2 million N95 masks and bring them back to Boston.

She tweeted, “This is where I remind people that Robert Kraft is friends with Donald Trump and gave to his campaign. It’s incredible the Kraft family is doing this, but hope they understand their money helped empower their friend.”

Shorter Jemele: “I hate Trump so much, I don’t give a crap whether doctors and nurses have enough masks.”

2020_04 04 Catholic

CATHOLIC: An expert research professor on vaccines at the Catholic University of America is working with the university to make his patents available royalty-free to help fight the coronavirus pandemic.

2020_04 04 Buzz speech device

GRAMMY NOTES: The Mascots and their cousins are busy in their respective, pandemic, home schools. Buzz is working with his speech device.

I also got a darling video from one of the Texans saying, “We had home school today. I like my teacher. She’s your daughter!” ❤ She also asked, “Would y’alls send a picture of your new phones?Y’alls. I LOVE IT!!!

MOZart: “You can dance” [4:00] You MUST really WATCH this one!!!

2020_04 04 corona mask


Filed under Loose Pollen

3 responses to “Bits & Bytes

  1. None of the anti-Trump screechers surprise me. Sicken me, maybe, but not surprise. What does surprise me is, why would anyone in the Trump administration ever go on an interview with any of these jerks?

    ABC’s Nightline co-host Byron Pitts ended an interview with Vice President Mike Pence by asking him “not in a political way,” but whether he “talk[s] to God” about feeling remorse for Americans who have died “because of steps the federal government did not take soon enough.”

    Just absolutely horrifyingly shocking. Blood-libel Trump admin in general and Pence in particular, attempted guilt-tripping (totally in a political way), that blatant assumption of government irresponsibility, and wrapping it all in a pretense of religiosity. Talk about the pitts!

    Liked by 1 person

    • chrissythehyphenated

      Even worse, that guy claims to be a Christian.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Even worse, that guy claims to be a Christian.

        Heh. Claims. Many do, eh?

        A saying Mom has had on her bulletin board for decades: “If you were on trial for being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you?”

        Long ago, after so many times being told by Christians that I am not one, I concurred. I can’t claim to be one. However, I leave that assessment to Christ. 😉

        Liked by 2 people