No Swimsuit Competition!

From the Babylon Bee: Trump Agrees To Remove Swimsuit Competition From SCOTUS Nomination Process

“This is long overdue,” said law professor Edgar Ford. “It’s time to put out the message that judges of all shapes and sizes can rule on Constitutional issues. Not just those who look good in a bikini.”

The swimsuit competition has been considered controversial ever since it caused the otherwise-qualified Robert Bork not to get a seat at the Supreme Court in 1987. More recently, the swimsuit competition was why the Republicans wouldn’t even consider Barack Obama’s nominee Merrick Garland, instead waiting for the election of Donald Trump, whom supporters consider to have a better eye for such things.

The Supreme Court contest will continue to involve a Q&A, an evening robe competition, and a talent show. For the talent portion, an insider reportedly advised the contestants that Trump loves puppet shows, “especially if the puppets hit each other.”


Filed under Funny Stuff

2 responses to “No Swimsuit Competition!

  1. Really funny!

    The swimsuit competition has been considered controversial ever since it caused the otherwise-qualified Robert Bork not to get a seat at the Supreme Court in 1987.

    If he hadn’t been wearing that Speedo, there would never have been a curly hair on that soda pop can. 🙄

    Trump loves puppet shows, “especially if the puppets hit each other.”


    Me, too.

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