Admen Wanted; Reply: DNC

When mankind was a new thing, when Ugg first sold Mugg a sharp rock to cut his mastodon steak with, people with goods or services to sell or trade, customers had to be aware of their existence. As time progressed and things changed, advertising had to keep up with demand.

With the advent of television, a whole new culture of advertising was born. Peoples’ attention span never was very long and by today’s standards, you have about 5 seconds to get potential buyers’ attention before they change the channel. Ad placement is so crucial that companies pay millions of dollars for a 30 second spot on Super bowl Sunday, the most-watched sporting event of the year.

Companies sometimes pay a fee to use a familiar piece of music or a popular song. One of the most famous is the William Tell Overture. One commercial I remember particularly well involved Jeno’s pizza rolls and Lark cigarettes, which they don’t even make anymore. I remember it because of the cameo by Clayton Moore and Jay Silverheels.

[CtH: I LOVED that pizza roll commercial!  It still makes me laugh, even just to think about it.]

The DNC, the party with nothing to offer but hate, bitterness, and empty platitudes, is due to unveil a new slogan Monday. Further proof, as if it were needed, that no one there has a clue.

Democrats Set to Unveil New Slogan Monday

The Democrats are working on a re-brand following their near-spectacular collapse from the days when they controlled the entirety of the legislative and executive branches, and are set to officially unveil a new slogan for the 2018 elections: “A Better Deal: Better Skills, Better Jobs, Better Wages.”
But golly, if this is the best they can come up with, they’re likely to get more people to start inexplicably craving pizza than actually voting for their candidates.

The Democrats have a new agenda, and guess what…

Democrat leaders have been working on a new agenda for many months because they lost in 2016 and because of their continuous losses the last six years and after all their hard work. Dana Milbank of the Washington Post – and, I am sure, most reporters – is very proud of the Democrats’ amazing product.

Titled “A Better Deal: Better Skills, Better Jobs, Better Wages,” it is expected to have many Democratic staples – tax increases on the rich, affordable college, infrastructure spending, higher wages, job training, paid family leave and the like – and a few new ones.

New Rumored DNC Slogan Ripped Off from Papa John’s Pizza

LOL: New Rumored DNC Slogan Ripped Off from Papa John’s Pizza (VIDEO)

Conservatives can’t resist pitching ideas after Dem’s ‘cheesy’ 2018 slogan is mercilessly mocked. How about…

The Democrats have adopted a cheesy new slogan which they hope will help them defeat the Republicans at the 2018 midterm elections.

Unfortunately, the Dems’ “new” slogan, “A Better Deal: Better Skills, Better Jobs, Better Wages,” is a thinly-veiled rip-off of the marketing slogan used by the Papa John‘s pizza chain. Papa John’s snappy slogan is “Better Ingredients. Better Pizza.”

The Party of Women’s Sexual Liberation & “Equality” Featuring #FGM & Beat Your Woman If She Steps Out Of Line 👍🏼 #NewDemSlogans


  • We’re the party of inclusion*
    • *unless you’re 2 of the following: white, male, or straight
  • Collusion you can believe in

[CtH: Or, as Trump suggested, leave it alone and let them OWN the FAIL.]


Filed under Democrats

2 responses to “Admen Wanted; Reply: DNC

  1. It’s 100℉-plus here. Too hot to think clearly.

    Almost like it was mid-July in Oklahoma or something.

    (Few things will get me fondly recalling my days Up North, but this would be a nice time to take a drive to Door County – and listen to the locals gripe about the 76℉ heat!)


    It’s just kinda funny that merely seeing Clayton and Jay in a commercial can make me all happy, and not a little nostalgic of course. Moore always played it straight! I liked the way the Ranger waved off the snacks, but Tonto starts stuffing his pouch with them (Tonto always complained that the Ranger never thought about where the next meal was coming from. “Silver bullets don’t grow on trees, kimo sabe!”)

    Were any other folks in that commercial celebs I was supposed to recognize? I didn’t.

    New slogans for the Democrats? “We’re not the other guys” wasn’t good enough?

    How about, “We’ll say we’ll do what Trump is already doing because that’s what you want, but we can’t admit it!”

    Too wordy? Howzabout,

    “Vote for the Swamp”

    Liked by 1 person

  2. chrissythehyphenated

    Remember when the Democrats got all excited about revealing their New Logo and it turned out to be that totally lame blue D inside a circle? I wonder if they used the same agency for their new campaign slogan.

    Liked by 1 person