Climate sacrifices are for the LITTLE people

2015_06 Obama flies Attenborough for 30 min

2015_06 01 Airplane emissions



Filed under Barack Obama, Climate, John Kerry

3 responses to “Climate sacrifices are for the LITTLE people

  1. If Kerry were seriously injured in an assassination attempt, the big plane and other factors make a bit more sense.

    But that’s just a crazy rumor.

    Jerusalem Post
    …Kerry’s meeting, in which the alleged assassination attempt took place, was with Gulmurod Khalimov, a senior Tajik police commander, trained in the United States, who announced his defection to Islamic State in a video released last week… Khalimov was well aware of State Department security procedures and he used the knowledge to get another member of his entourage into the secret meeting with Kerry, with the intention of assassinating him… report cited communications intercepted by Russian intelligence from France, the US and Switzerland as confirming that two other people were shot in the incident, one of them fatally.…
