Jane Fonda to Warn the UN about Mysterious New Terrorist Threat

JFGruntington Post [United Nations] – Hollywood actress, radical and war criminal, Jane Fonda, was interviewed on Wednesday by the Associated Press prior to United Nations meetings next week where she will speak about progress toward women’s equality.  Her message?  “The most intractable problem that humanity faces is the problem of Patriarchy,” which she blames for the rise in terrorism and the destruction of the environment throughout the World.

Miss Fonda declined to specify the identity of this new “Patriarchy” person, but from her description, he appears to be some kind of superhuman terrorist leader.  Her comments make it unclear, however, if the person is even a human being.  He’s clearly a male of some species, but she also described him as a “beast, thrashing about, flailing its tail with the barbs on it, and a lot of people are really getting hurt badly.”  Some are speculating that the name implies some supernatural aspect, perhaps even an archangel of some kind.
This theory is consistent with a figure from one of her past movies, Barbarella, in which an adversary took the form of a winged man.  Miss Fonda is pictured above with Pygar (note the name also starting with a ‘P’).  Clearly, she is in some form of distress and helplessness before the power of Pygar, now possibly called Patriarchy.  Oddly, her character is not always so helpless in the presence of the winged creature, as illustrated by the movie still, below right.

Pygar-and-BarbarellaMiss Fonda also commented on the need for strong female world leadership.  Changing laws “is a huge step forward” and helps empower victims, she said, but to achieve equality many other things are needed as well.

“You need women elected to office, you need movements in the streets, you need social media, you need every single form of social protest and speaking truth to power that’s possible,” Fonda said.

And a woman leader must lead “as a woman and not as a man in skirts” who thinks she needs to prove she’s not weak, she said.

Her value “is to bring her woman-ness to her leadership style” which means empathy, compassion and “someone whose head and heart are not bifurcated,” she said but then exclaimed, “Oh shit.  Did I just use the word ‘bifurcated’?  I was saving that for the UN speech.  I didn’t also just say ‘intractable’ did I?”

Go to TowhHall.com to see more of her interview where she really does say most of these things.


Filed under Hollywood, United Nations

23 responses to “Jane Fonda to Warn the UN about Mysterious New Terrorist Threat

  1. Pistol Pete

    If she has a problem with ‘patriarchy’,somebody should ask her where where she’d be without her father’s last name?Hmmm?


    • chrissythehyphenated

      Plus, nobody is more “bifurcated” than a woman who supports the murder of unborn babies.


      • Exactly. I also get a kick out of anyone using that b-word to describe some social justice issue. It’s a friggin’ mathematical term, ok? Even in Chaos Theory technical papers it’s considered ‘snooty’. For Jane Fonda to use it is practically criminal.

        Liked by 1 person

        • chrissythehyphenated

          I’ve only seen it in biology. It means “to divide into two branches or parts.”


          • Is it used in biology? I could see it being used for cell division or something. My beef is that it’s a pretty obscure technical term that we’re starting to see in social commentary, and that’s just needlessly pretentious, isn’t it? “You’re head is bifurcated from your heart.” Really???


            • chrissythehyphenated

              Yeah, really … esp since it isn’t using it properly. Bifurcated doesn’t mean “separate” or “amputated.” It means divided into two, like a stem or root when it is divided like a fork into two branches.


              • That’s exactly right, Chrissy. It indicates ‘branching’ or ‘forking’ behavior. She totally misapplied it just so she could use a big word and impress the other imbeciles in the Press and at the UN.


    • Wish I could get my hands on one of those! 🙂


      • Pistol Pete

        Personally,I don’t think I’d touch it.


        • chrissythehyphenated

          What is it? Wait … do I want to know?


          • Well, if you have a urinal that needs a target… I mean a deodorizer holder…


          • Pistol Pete

            Its a man thing…you wouldn’t understand

            Liked by 1 person

          • cth, I was amused that you asked, what is it? Milady saw it and asked first, what is that? is that a flyswatter? Then it dawned on her. (Working in public places, one becomes familiar with things like this.) Heh.

            I’ve heard a lot of vets talk about lining up to water her grave.

            On Ace of Spades, old Vic reports news & acid commentary almost every day, kind-of the Pistol Pete there. While I was taking advantage of my legal 2-S (student) draft dodge, Vic was dropping bombs on the Viet Cong. That anti-aircraft gun on which Hanoi Jane was sitting? It was aimed at him, generally, specifically, and politically. Infuriating beyond words.

            That she was not tried as a traitor upon her return was really disturbing to me. What did such betrayal mean anymore if it went unpunished, practically unacknowledged as the heinous crime it is? I was still pretty naive about how far we had already sunk, I guess.

            Now we have far worse than that airhead in the Oval Office.


            • chrissythehyphenated

              My brother, who nearly died from sniper wounds, spent months in rehab and was awarded a Silver Star for heroism. I was in junior high school in Ithaca, NY, home of Cornell University, where all soldiers were automatically rapists and baby killers. My feelings about Hanoi Jane, John Kerry, and all the rest can best be described as “radioactive hairball.”


  2. This is a woman that should have been arrested and charged with TREASON back during the Viet Nam war…..she got a lot of our soldiers killed in the Hanoi Prison….So needless to say I wouldn’t trust this bitch to be telling the truth about anything!!!!!!!!


  3. Ugh, that chick gives me heartburn.


  4. Jane Dough

    She wants us to “speak truth to power”? Okay.

    Obama, you’re an asshole.
