Absolutely random

I’ve got a bad, Bad, BAD cold, so this is the best you’re gonna get.

2015_01 20 James Woods on Moore and Sniper

2015_01 20 Joni Ernst's shoes

Bush’s SOTU in 2007 vs. Obama’s SOTU in 2015 – Absolutely typical of BOTH men

Prez vacays

BREAKING: House passes bill banning federal funds for abortions 242-179. Only 1 Republican voted no. Only 3 Democrats voted yes.

2015_01 22 Pope Francis tweets March for Life

Lena Dunham has built her career around glamorizing crude and promiscuous behavior.  In her recently published autobiography, she falsely claimed she had been date raped by a conservative Republican.  While giving a talk to Planned Parenthood, Lena Dunham said, “I think we’ve all learned it’s hard to change the minds of people who aren’t open and willing to grow and don’t have a certain level of decency.”  After the talk, she snuggled an actual baby wearing a Wendy Davis onesie.   Self-awareness is not Ms. Dunham’s long suit.

Source: http://www.lifenews.com/2015/01/22/irony-lena-dunham-slams-pro-life-protesters-for-their-lack-of-decency/

2015_01 1700 private jets


Filed under Barack Obama, Climate, George W. Bush, Joni Ernst, Lena Dunham, Life Issues, State of the Union

8 responses to “Absolutely random

  1. cth: “I’ve got a bad, Bad, BAD cold….”

    So, that’s where I caught it. I was suspecting the hospital where I was visiting my cousin, or that my daughter had dragged it in from Texas where she attended a friend’s wedding. But, no, I’m blaming PoliNation.

    Started out last night as a scratchy, what I would call “smoker’s” throat. Doctor Milady gave me a homeopathic which seemed to relieve the scratchy throat, and by this morning symptoms had changed to heavy head (sinuses), but that seems to be improving. Sure was hard to get a good night’s sleep, though; sleep is just about always the very best natural remedy, of course.

    A cold. How… ordinary. Kind-of refreshing after all I’ve been through. Well, not really. Still sux.


  2. Sorry to hear about both of your colds. Get better soon! But if this is how Chrissy blogs when she’s sick, we could use some more infections. JK! But this was an outstanding ‘random’ collection of good stuff!

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