To those of you who had the stomach strong enough to watch snake oil show last night,more power to you. As I read elsewhere this morning,I didn’t watch the Kenyan for the same reason I don’t shove porcupines up my butt… it’s an incredibly stupid thing to do. There are plenty of videos today since mere words cannot do justice to the rank hypocrisy and blatant lies  that flew like snowflakes in a blizzard.

John Fund summed it up pretty succinctly:

Obama’s ‘Free Stuff for Everyone’ Speech
By John Fund
A pollster at last week’s GOP congressional retreat summarized the proposals President Obama is making tonight as “free stuff for everyone.” Indeed, on everything from enhanced child-care tax credits to free community college the president was in a Santa Claus kind of mood in this month after Christmas. All of the proposals enjoy majority support in polls — although that support tends to fall after people weigh the price tag.

Take paid sick leave. Obama mentioned that wherever the issue was on the ballot this fall it passed when people voted on it. But he was careful not to mention that the only state where it was on the ballot was Massachusetts. Yes, the state that hasn’t sent a single Republican to the U.S. House in 20 years and consistently votes Democratic for president by about ten points more than the rest of the country. Question 4, the Massachusetts ballot measure that mandated paid sick leave in the state, did pass but with only 60 percent of the vote — meaning that after a real debate the issue might be an even split nationwide.

Republicans need to make a sustained argument that paid sick leave is yet another mandate on small- and medium-sized businesses that they can ill afford just as they are being buffeted by the gales of Obamacare.


Ol’ Flat Balls, Yep.

(I’m not watching his lyin’ ass, fyi.)

From a pic and idea sended in by my doublegood pal the Grunt. Hope I caught the essence of the man. Not Grunt, Obama.

tub timeOops!


Wrong pic. Maybe next year!

Below is this year’s SOTU preview. Better late than never.



Just Like Clockwork Sm








Filed under State of the Union


  1. Pistol Pete

    Pumping his arms, pointing his finger and firing verbal volleys: Obama’s aggressive body language in State of the Union speech shows Republicans he means business
    Obama’s body language avoided impression balance of power has shifted
    He gave his State of the Union address to Republican-controlled Congress
    But he refrained from being conciliatory with defiant gestures and barbs
    Contained within his speech were a host of threats to use veto powers
    He never has nor ever will truck any opposition to his world view from his perch in his little fiefdom.

    Swagger?More like arrogance,petulance or just being an asshole.


  2. ONLY a thousand lies?
    Thanks for the homage, Pete! Awesome post-lie-fest review!!!


  3. Pistol Pete

    Limbaugh: SOTU Is Nothing But A “Vote-Buying Scheme”…

    “It’s a vote-buying scheme is what the whole thing is,” Limbaugh said. “And it’s an insult to intelligence and all that. And you realize that 90% of the stuff that is, well, promised or suggested or offered as a serious intention, never happens anyway.”


  4. Pistol Pete

    You just knew I had to post this,didn’t ya?
    i won’t bother posting any of the despicable tweets the venomous left hurled at her last night.


  5. Pistol Pete

    Liberal Icon Keith Olbermann Mocks Joni Ernst for Growing Up Poor

    Olbermann fired off ten tweets in a row mocking Ersnt after her speech, some with the hashtag #SOTUresponse, cribbed from the Monty Python sketch The Four Yorkshiremen.

    “Of course, we had it tough. We lived for three months in a paper bag in a septic tank. We used to have to get up at six in the morning…”

    “We used to have to get up at six in the morning, clean the paper bag, eat a crust of stale bread, go to work down t’ mill, fourteen hours…”
    “Luxury. We used to have to get out of the lake at six o’clock in the morning, clean the lake, eat a handful of hot gravel, work 20 hours…”
    “…come home, and Dad would thrash us to sleep with a broken bottle — if we were lucky! #SOTUresponse”

    Olbermann’s line, “Thank you for listening and keep your feet wrapped,” came from his own impoverished mind.

    Olbermann grew up in comfort in a rich, lily-white town of Hastings-on-Hudson in Westchester County, New York, according to Wikipedia.


  6. Pistol Pete

    Why 3 Supreme Court Justices Didn’t Attend the State of the Union

    Scalia,Thomas and Alito got together and washed their socks.Not surprising,since a few years back Obama whipped out hos dick and peed on the front row over the Citizens United decision.When Alito mouthed the words ‘not true’,he was pilloried by Barry’s palace guards.


  7. Pistol Pete

    Obama Panders to Middle Class at SOTU While Wife Michelle Wears $1,400 Power Suit
    The US Middle Class has been completely decimated during his years in the White House.

    Meanwhile, his wife Michelle Obama was wearing a Michael Kors tweed power suit.
    The suit cost $2,500.

    The skirt is $597 on sale (originally $995).
    The jacket is $797 on sale (originally $1,595).

    But they really, really care about the Middle class

    Oh,just some old rag she threw on,nothing much,really.


  8. Pistol Pete

    Obama Bashes “Constant Fundraising” In SOTU Speech… Immediately Asks Dem Supporters For Donations…

    I’ve served in Congress with many of you. I know many of you well. There are a lot of good people here, on both sides of the aisle. And many of you have told me that this isn’t what you signed up for – arguing past each other on cable shows, the constant fundraising, always looking over your shoulder at how the base will react to every decision.

    Speech ends, donation pitch immediately goes out:

    “I hope you’re excited about the agenda I laid out tonight for 2015,” Obama’s email read.

    Now it’s time to get to work.

    Let’s go — make a monthly contribution to support Democrats now:


    Barack Obama


  9. Pistol Pete

    Obama Says SOTU Is Strong – Frank Luntz Focus Group Doesn’t Buy It (Video)
    Barack Obama opened his SOTU Address tonight saying the State of the Union is strong.

    Tonight, for the first time since 9/11, our combat mission in Afghanistan is over. Six years ago, nearly 180,000 American troops served in Iraq and Afghanistan. Today, fewer than 15,000 remain. And we salute the courage and sacrifice of every man and woman in this 9/11 Generation who has served to keep us safe. We are humbled and grateful for your service.

    America, for all that we’ve endured; for all the grit and hard work required to come back; for all the tasks that lie ahead, know this:

    The shadow of crisis has passed, and the State of the Union is strong.

    Nobody believed it.
    A Frank Luntz FOX News focus group of both Democrats and Republicans didn’t buy it.


  10. Pistol Pete

    Surreal: Obama Demands ‘A Better Politics,’ Lectures Nation on Demonization

    Obama is well aware that many of these reheated policies stand zero chance of passage in the new Republican Congress, which is why they were not presented as serious or viable proposals. Rather, they were served up as political grenades to be lobbed at the opposition during an extended infomercial for low-information voters, and to delight the (surviving) Congressional Democrats in attendance


  11. Pistol Pete

    Whoa! Woman Showcased By Obama in SOTU Is a Former Democratic Campaign Staffer
    They just can’t help themselves

    Rebekah Erler has been presented by the White House as a woman who was discovered by the president after she wrote to him last March about her economic hardships. She was showcased in the speech as proof that middle class Americans are coming forward to say that Obama’s policies are working.

    Unmentioned in the White House bio of Erler is that she is a former Democratic campaign operative, working as a field organizer for Sen. Patty Murray (D., Wash.).


  12. Pistol Pete

    Senate Democrat Blasts Obama Admin For Iran Talking Points “Straight Out Of Tehran”
    .Pretty cheeky comments for a guy tht flies on donors’ private jet to have sex with underage hookers in the Dominican Republic


  13. Pistol Pete

    Flashback Clint Eastwood to Michael Moore: ‘If you ever show up at my front door with a camera – I’ll kill you’

    Michael Moore and I actually have a lot in common – we both appreciate living in a country where there’s free expression,” Eastwood said, according to the Washington Examiner.

    “But, Michael, if you ever show up at my front door with a camera – I’ll kill you.”

    The comment drew laughter and Eastwood played it humorously, but he wasn’t finished.

    “I mean it,” he said.


  14. Pistol Pete

    Nicolas Cage to Star in Osama Bin Laden Satire From ‘Borat’ Director

    What could possibly go wrong?
    Army of One is loosely based on Chris Heath’s GQ magazine article recounting the real-life misadventures of Gary Faulkner, a Colorado construction worker who took it upon himself to find Bin Laden, including trying to sneak into Pakistan and Afghanistan numerous times.


  15. Pistol Pete

    The Penis Mightier Than the Sword

    by Mark Steyn •
    The feasting on the dead of Charlie Hebdo continues. Just when you thought the State of the Union couldn’t get any tackier comes news of the latest phony-baloney pen-is-mightier-than-the-sword pseudo-solidarity:

    Members of Congress will honor the victims of the Charlie Hebdo attack during the State of the Union by holding up yellow pencils.

    A spokeswoman for Democratic Rep. Gwen Moore of Wisconsin said that she will hold up a pencil and that they have confirmed that other lawmakers will do so as well.


  16. Pistol Pete

    Valerie Jarrett: ‘We Do Think Our Strategy is Working’ Against the Islamic State
    Says the Iranian-born Rasputin that Barry won’t make a move without getting permission from.


  17. Pistol Pete

    Obama vows to veto GOP-backed abortion, pipeline bills

    Don’t look for him to sign much of anything.The republicans can’t override his veto and the media will accuse them of not working with the dictator.


  18. Pistol Pete

    Demands begin for Ginsburg, Kagan to recuse themselves from gay marriage case
    Yeah,not gonna happen

    Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Elena Kagan have each officiated at gay weddings, which traditional marriage supporters say destroys their pretense of impartiality on such an important case.
    They never intended to be impartial…its how liberals get things done;rig the game


  19. Pistol Pete

    Ruth Bader Ginsburg Falls Asleep During Obama’s SOTU


  20. Pistol Pete

    Lib Rag Slate Implores Obama To Crack Down On Cow Farts…

    There’s no real reason to post this except I wanted to post a picture of a cow taking an Obama
    White House reportedly considering plan to dispatch Michael Moore along with an advanced BBQ grill team to eat the problem away.


  21. Pistol Pete

    Obama in State of Union: Same-Sex Marriage is ‘America at Its Best’
    I got sick of posting images of the Kenyan prick

    When he was running for president seven years ago, and appearing in a nationally televised forum held by a Christian pastor at a Christian church, Barack Obama said he believed that marriage was a “sacred union” that was “between a man and a woman.”

    On Tuesday night, in his State of the Union Address, Obama said that legalization of same-sex marriage in the United States is one of the things he has seen that represents “America at its best.”

    Carpet-munchers and dick-smokers of the country rejoice.A crooked judiciary will help you.


  22. Like

  23. That $1400 power suit is incongruent – the “in look” of the exposed zipper – for the occasion. It reflects the emperor’s administration attitude of the constitution and the dignity of the office.

    I saw better dressed Negro people going in to see Selma and American Sniper as I was waiting in line to see American Sniper. Surely they didn’t pay $1400 for their much more tasteful attire. Her awful clothing isn’t a Negro thing, nor an “in” thing, it’s a tasteless thing.


    • Yup. How was American Sniper, BTW? I haven’t had a chance yet.


      • Excellent. DH and I seldom attend movies and rather view them at home because of the sound volume. We made an exception. Very glad we did. Everything was tastefully done and the man and his conscience was loud and clear.

        Eastwood used a “less is more” approach, giving perhaps one telling example of situations face by Chris Kyle and Chris Kyle and his wife. This approach was summed up even with the ending of the movie.


  24. The count: Seventy-Five Times!

    With his 75 references to “I,” “me” and “my,” it was as if Obama delivered a third inaugural address on Jan. 20, 2015, rather than the now-ritualized and constitutionally required report to Congress about how things are going.

    Alexis Simendinger on Real Clear Politics c/o WZ


    • It also seemed to be, relentlessly, another campaign speech, attempting always to persuade us to TRUST him and his vision. I swear, this guy will go down in history as an empty campaigner and nothing more.


  25. I want to salute the local police for their latest brilliant crime-solving work.

    At the new big-chain pharmacy, a fellow “implied” he had a gun and walked out with all the money in the cash register – pharmacy part not involved, nobody hurt. Police got his picture from the surveillance cameras, and found him at the, erm, low-price motel a quarter-mile away.

    I likewise salute the crook on his brilliant heist and getaway plans that only our local Sherlocks could have thwarted. [Link, with smugshot]
