Oh, THOSE WMD; Sure, there were some of THOSE

Now that ISIS is taking control of deadly chemical weapons in Iraq that are left over from Saddam’s hidden stashes, and our media is reporting it, isn’t it time to point out the shamelessness of this 14 year media conspiracy that painted President Bush as a liar and warmonger for going into Iraq after ‘non-existent’ WMDs? In fact, shouldn’t we be keeping track of the lies, like we do the deficit?

Greatest U.S. Media Lies and Conspiracies of the Last 100 Years:
1. Walter Duranty’s NY Times Pulitzer for deceiving the public about Stalinist Communism for decades.
2. Anthony Lewis’ and NY Times’ defense of Pol Pol and Khmer Rouge.
3. Media campaign to promote the scientifically discredited cause of climate activism.
4. Media campaign to protect the morally discredited Fascist political system of Islam from all scrutiny.
5. Media campaign to destroy and imprison the administration of a sitting Republican President in the early 70s (for knowledge of a burglary) while systematically covering up egregious criminal activity of Democrats (including murders, like Vince Foster’s) for 50 years.
6. Relentless 10 year frenzy of lies and diversions that established, falsely, that the Bush Administration had no reason to defeat Saddam Hussein and prevent his cache of chemical weapons from being used.
7. Media campaign to elect a talentless, radical community organizer to the Presidency and then protect him from all criticism as he completely destroyed every part of the U.S. that didn’t resemble or function like Zimbabwe.
8. What Constitution? We have a Constitution? Our President doesn’t need no stinking Constitution.

From the Weasel Times and Stoat Intelligencer:
Okay, that NY Times article about chemical weapons today. Help me out here. They put this together from a bunch of Wikileaks stuff and some FOIA requests. It shows that US soldiers were finding chemical weapons regularly from 2004 and 2011 and some were hurt by them.

And the Times is scolding the government for downplaying the danger and significance of chemical weapons? WTF happened to “Bush lied, people died”? Yeah, they’re describing them as a bunch of old crappy weapons (and of American design, woooo!) but isn’t that entirely in line with what we expected to find and were told we hadn’t? Tens of thousands, by the sound of it.

And why did the military downplay this? Why did the government?

And why is the Times doing a bunch of original reportage on this now? Could it be that ISIS is closing in on this stuff and they want an alibi when the bad guys start lobbing chemical weapons around…?  Read more at sweasel.com.


Filed under Iraq, Media Bias

3 responses to “Oh, THOSE WMD; Sure, there were some of THOSE

  1. chrissythehyphenated

    Thanks for doing this one, Grunt. I have personal reasons to be too “hair on fire” to even get close to the topic.


  2. That headline cracked me up. LOL’d, I did. Read it to Milady; she laughed. sigh

    Gabriel Malor did a worth-reading rebuttal to the NYT on Ace of Spades a few days ago.

    “So you find again—and I’m sorry for repeating this so many times, but it seems that it has been forgotten—the three themes of Bush’s war plea: Iraqi resistance to disarmament, Iraqi ambition to arm once more, and terrorists. Those were the casus belli for the Iraq War. Not solely an active weapons program, as the NYTimes would have you believe.”


  3. Thanks, Folks. And thanks for that Gabriel Malor link, Mindful!!
    Chrissy, I know what you mean. One of the painful things that Mrs. Weasel points out is that our troops were uncovering, AND BEING INJURED BY, those chemical weapons that the media denied even existed. All our hair should be on fire. Except that I don’t have any left. 😉
