This 911 call is hysterical!


Filed under Loose Pollen

16 responses to “This 911 call is hysterical!

  1. That is really great. Thanks for posting it!

    I like it that the 911 guy actually quits trying to get the kid’s address. It might have been a good idea to send someone by for a gentle reminder, but, from the ending, I’d say Mom, apparently, will not need anyone to tell her that it wasn’t appropriate 911 use.

    Do you suppose the Mom will ever see this video and realize it’s her?


    • chrissythehyphenated

      I’m guessing she’s had it emailed to her repeatedly LOL.

      What puzzles me is why a 4 year old has subtraction homework. I seem to recall a teacher saying most kids don’t have the capacity to understand subtraction until they’re … 7? 8?

      My sister said that negative numbers really flummoxed her class until she made a huge number line on the floor with tape and they practicing walking to the right for adding and walking to the left for subtracting. She taught 6th grade for almost her entire career, so I’m guessing that was the age group she was talking about.


      • cth> why a 4 year old has subtraction homework

        It seemed wrong to me that a kid that age would have homework like that. More Early Learning madness. Hate the way they treat young minds now.

        Not that a child can’t be taught basics early, but you do it with, say, blocks, game-play where the tyke can plainly see that one take away one equals none. Conveying concepts, though, not “doing problems,” at that age.

        I liked that the 911 officer didn’t really do anything with the first problem except say, “that’s a tough one, what else y’got?” Really gentle.

        We presume it was a slow time for any other 911 calls…


  2. That’s really cute. 🙂 Reminds me of the time when I was in seventh grade and my sister’s boyfriend was trying to help me with a homework assignment, and we got to a question that really stumped us… and he called Information to ask the operator if she knew the answer. (She didn’t.)


    • chrissythehyphenated

      I was having trouble with my French homework one afternoon when my college brother was visiting in our kitchen with an older gentleman who kindly explained the problem to me. My brother still likes to tell about the day Hans Bethe helped his baby sister with her homework. 🙂


      • cth > My brother still likes to tell about the day Hans Bethe helped his baby sister with her homework.

        Hans Bethe – had me jump to Wikipedia. “Freeman Dyson, once one of his students, called him the ‘supreme problem-solver of the 20th century.'” Quite a mind!


        • chrissythehyphenated

          And a very kind and unassuming man as well, if my brief experience means anything. 🙂


          • Must have been quite a household to grow up in, Chrissy. Very cool! 🙂


            • chrissythehyphenated

              It was. … There was this other time when I almost spilled Coke on Leonard Bernstein. True story.


              • Oh, NOW you’re going too far. I don’t believe it! 😯


                • chrissythehyphenated

                  Seriously true story!

                  My brother got a summer job as an aide to Bernstein during the Concerts in the Park season. He did stuff like prepare the tuxes, get him drinks, and help him change during intermission. (Bernstein sweated so much, he changed his clothes in the middle of a concert.)

                  My mom took me and my baby brother to NYC to schmooze and see a concert in the park. She got to have dinner with the Maestro at Tavern on the Green, but us kids (I was about 12) got stuck in the hotel for that.

                  We also attended a rehearsal in the afternoon. I had been sent off to get Cokes for the three of us, but the stand didn’t have carry things or caps even. It was a LONG time ago! LOL I had one very full cup in each hand and my own hanging out my teeth. I had my eyes down, trying to watch my step and the Coke. I came darn close to barreling into Leonard Bernstein who was on a break. Thankfully, I did notice his feet and stopped, then looked up and darned near dropped my drink out of my mouth! LOL

                  So now … when I tell you my brother once threatened Prince Phillip with a knife and had the prince apologize to him … you won’t believe that one either, will you. But it’s true. He was doing a summer hotel school internship in the royal kitchen. While chopping shrimp, he saw a hand sneak in to snatch a shrimp and mockingly lifted his knife in a pseudo-threatening manner, then lifted his eyes and just about choked when he saw who it was. As he said, “And I never could remember what the right term of address for him was, so I just gurgled and turned red.” The prince laughed and said he was sorry for trying to swipe a snack.

                  Honest to goodness TRUE stories. I could tell you more but you really would decide I was a shameless liar, even though I am not. I just have a big and really interesting family.


                • I believe you, Chrissy. Just faking a little disbelief. Those are pretty good stories! I have to wonder what the proper address would have been. Since Prince Phillip was probably a Navy man, “Avast there, ye Royal Highness, and prepare to be skewered for yer crime!”


                • chrissythehyphenated



              • I hope you didn’t spill Coke on his piano. That would be really bad!


                • chrissythehyphenated

                  No … he was standing on the grass between me, the Cokes and my mom and my baby brother … the little ingrate who complained his cup was not TOTALLY full by the time I got to him. And after I’d walked halfway across Central Park and been through possibly the most embarrassing moment of my young life to boot!


  3. That gave me a hearty laugh, thanks for sharing!
