Posted by Pistol Pete

Well,we made it through another week of political and social chaos. It couldn’t have ended soon enough.

I have a lot of good stuff today. Hoping to get out later in search of the elusive swimming critters (I’m talking about fish).


White potatoes cannot be purchased with a WIC (food for wimmins and chilrens) card? WTF?? Did all red-blooded American kids grow up on potatoes? Including The First Harpoon Target herself? She asserts:

“Right now, the House of Representatives is considering a bill to override science by mandating that white potatoes be included on the list of foods that women can purchase using WIC dollars. Now, there is nothing wrong with potatoes. The problem is that many women and children already consume enough potatoes and not enough of the nutrient-dense fruits and vegetables they need. That’s why the Institute of Medicine – the nonpartisan, scientific body that advises on the standards for WIC – has said that potatoes should not be part of the WIC program.”

Leave it to this Administration that tells us when we’ve made enough money or gotten better healthcare to tell us when we’ve had enough potatoes. This truly is a Government That Works. Like Shit.

And now, the visual:












Filed under Funny Stuff

35 responses to “PETES PAGE; FRIDAY FUN

  1. Pistol Pete

    Last Sunday,18 year old Taylor Crafton of Grand Forks,N.D. graduated from high school.She had a cardboard cutout of her soldier dad,who is serving in Afghanistan.After receiving her diploma,she was called back to the stage.Have a hankie ready.–abc-news-topstories.html?vp=1


    • chrissythehyphenated

      TWO hankies! :o)“““““““` I love that she had a cardboard cutout of her dad (Flat Daddy! … I just read Flat Stanley!) that she took to her senior year milestones. 28 years old and NINE deployments. Wow. I can’t even imagine. And that the military let him come home just for the graduation. He’s not due back until August, so it was a total surprise! Even his wife didn’t know. That is so cool. 🙂 Need another hankie.


  2. Pistol Pete

    Lots of videos today


    • Violet

      My old cockatiel’s muse was John Fogerty. He would absolutely cut a rug for CCR, and NOBODY else.


  3. Pistol Pete

    Thank you for your service: Cops push Vietnam vet two miles home when his 300 lbs scooter breaks down on Memorial Day weekend
    Gilbert Larocque, 67, was running errands in San Diego on Sunday when his power scooter stopped working
    He was trying to flag down traffic in the hot sun when two officers stopped
    Milo Shields and Eric Cooper pushed Larocque home on a busy highway

    They said it was the least they could do for a veteran who was injured in the line of duty

    Larocque cares for his 90-year-old father, a Pearl Harbor survivor


  4. Pistol Pete

    In Alabama, theft of urinal items stumps officials

    BIRMINGHAM, Ala. — Officials in Alabama say they’re investigating a series of thefts involving metal urinal components from restaurant bathrooms.

    Jefferson County sheriff’s spokesman Randy Christian told ( Wednesday that authorities have been told of a man walking into men’s rooms and stealing flush valves and supply lines from urinals. Authorities say the man left each business without being noticed.

    Christian says the pipes weren’t made of copper and would have little value if a thief tried selling them as scrap metal. Christian says officials are unsure why the items are being stolen.


  5. Pistol Pete

    HINT:skip through the ad at the beginning…trust me.


  6. Pistol Pete

    Firefighters Had to Abruptly Leave Costco on an Emergency Call. When They Went Back to Pay, This Note Was Waiting for Them.
    Firefighters had all the fixings for a Memorial Day weekend barbecue ready at the checkout at a Costco in Vacaville, California, but everything was left behind after they had to rush out on an emergency call.


  7. Pistol Pete

    The great myth about breastfeeding and weightloss: New mothers are told breastfeeding will shift that post-pregnancy tum. In fact, it did the OPPOSITE for these women…
    According to the NHS the average woman gains 22-26lb while pregnant

    The body lays down 8lb of fat close in preparation for breastfeeding
    Breastfeeding propganda promises it will burn up to 750 calories a day
    Heidi Klum credited breastfeeding to her rapid weight loss
    However many women experience weight gain while breastfeeding


    • chrissythehyphenated

      I’m not surprised. I’ve known women who didn’t lose their “baby fat” until they weaned. Mom’s body protects that calorie supply for a reason.


    • Many women do lose a lot of weight very quickly while breastfeeding; many others do not. I don’t believe it has anything to do with whether a woman is breastfeeding or not, and blaming one’s failure to lose pregnancy-related weight on the method of feeding the baby is just silly.

      All four of my babies were breastfed. My weight at the time varied a lot, and had mostly to do with how much (or little) sleep I was getting, because when I’m sleep deprived, I feel hungry all the time. (I learned, too late for it to do me any good, that that was why I gained so much weight when I was in college — weight that disappeared of its own accord once I’d graduated.) When I had a baby who slept at night and took long naps during the day, it was easy to keep my weight down. When I had an insomniac baby, I piled on the pounds. Weaning made no difference. Each of my babies weaned herself/himself at a different age (between 16 and 30 months) and it didn’t affect my weight at all.

      One reason many people — not just breastfeeding women — have insatiable appetites is that they are chronically dehydrated, and their bodies mistake thirst for hunger. A lot of the food we consume is mostly water, after all. Sometimes just correcting the dehydration will take care of the weight problem. I found out that I was suffering from chronic dehydration when I was in my mid-forties. I never felt thirsty, but I was hungry all the time. My skin was always dry, my lips were always dry, and my eyes were so dry that it felt like there was sandpaper on the insides of my eyelids. I started forcing myself to drink a half gallon of water every day whether I felt thirsty or not. Surprise! My skin stopped being scaly and itchy, my eyes stopped hurting, my lips stopped cracking, I stopped overeating, and I lost forty pounds without consciously dieting and without any changes in the amount of exercise I was getting.


  8. Pistol Pete



  9. Pistol Pete

    Michigan zoo sells exotic animal ‘doo’

    I recall when I was a very young boy a small circus did a show in a big field not far from our farm.After they left,my Great-uncle Homer went with big buckets to gather elephant poopy.It was huge.He used it as compost for our raspberry bushes.They were really big that year.

    BATTLE CREEK, Mich. — A zoo in southern Michigan is selling a composted mixture of manure produced by exotic animals.

    Binder Park Zoo in Battle Creek is hosting a “Zoo Doo” event Thursday and June 5.

    Horticulturist Frank Cummins told the Battle Creek Enquirer that the zoo has compost available from herbivores that will sell at $25 a load to zoo members and $30 for nonmembers. Cummins says that the price is a deal, since cow manure can sell for around $2 or $3 a bag.

    The Kalamazoo Gazette says zebra, antelope, giraffe and other animals are contributing to the gardening aid.

    Binder Park Zoo says it’s a “fun and creative way” to raise money and dispose of waste. It also uses the compost as fertilizer at its facilities.


    • chrissythehyphenated

      A gf of mine got some zoo doo and said her plants grew like crazy!


    • My father was really into gardening, and every spring he would buy a huge truckload of manure and have it dumped next to our driveway. (You can imagine how popular this made us with the neighbors.) Then he spent about a week carting wheelbarrows full of the stuff all over the yard, spreading it on his flower beds (which occupied most of the space on our two city lots — the tiny little cracker box house that contained seven human beings occupied a very small part of it, which gives you an idea where my dad’s priorities were). It took about a week for the awful smell to dissipate. But by midsummer my dad definitely had the most impressive flower garden in town. In fact people used to travel long distances just to see it.


  10. Pistol Pete

    Never lift a finger again! £185 voice-controlled gadget switches on lights, opens curtains and even preheats your oven

    You can get a portable potty and you’ll never have to thanks.

    A Netherlands-based company created Homey to be compatible with almost any wirelessly controlled household appliances and devices
    The smart orb uses Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and different infrared communication standards to ‘talk to’ devices and is controlled by voice commands
    It can turn lights and music on and off, control a thermostat, curtains and an oven by listening to commands, or via an app
    The hackable open-source orb costs around €229 (£186 or $340)


  11. Pistol Pete

    MSNBC: All Apologies, All The Time


  12. Pistol Pete

    Man Accused of Stealing Human Skin From Hospital
    A Delaware County man has been arrested for allegedly stealing more than $350,000 worth of human skin from a Philadelphia hospital for years–261032021.html


  13. Pistol Pete

    Nevermore: Police want to find car-attacking raven

    Look at it this way…at least it wasn’t a moose!

    RICHMOND, Maine — Wanted: A raven that’s attacking cars in Maine.

    Richmond Police Chief Scott MacMaster tells the Kennebec Journal that the bird has attacked three vehicles, causing $500 in damage in one case.

    One owner said he watched the bird land and see its reflection in a window before attacking. The bird damaged gaskets around windshield and windows and the windshield wipers on at least three cars.

    One of the victims wants to make to make sure raven attacks are “nevermore.” He wants to shoot the bird.

    MacMaster advised them to contact the Maine Warden Service.

    The raven is not the only animal to attack a car in town in recent weeks. Last month, police had to deal with two goats that climbed atop a car.


  14. Pistol Pete

    Camden County Officer Removed From Duty For Alleged Lewd Act In Starbucks
    A Camden County Police Lieutenant has been removed from duty after he was accused of masturbating inside of a Starbucks in Cherry Hill.
    Stressful job…gotta release the tension somehow.


    • chrissythehyphenated

      I do NOT understand people who can be aroused in public places. Is that the appeal? Maybe getting seen?


  15. Pistol Pete

    What a dance by a chubby Korean baby!


  16. chrissythehyphenated

    In NYS, WIC is not about feeding Women, Infants and Children; it’s about politicians using tax dollars to subsidize New York dairy farming lobby.

    I was on WIC for a while back in the day. We were all allergic to dairy, but I had a great MD, plus help from the WIC nutritionist to work out how to make sure my pre-schooler, toddler and newborn got enough calcium.

    But the way WIC was set up, the only way I could get the foods I needed and wanted was to take milk I couldn’t use. Rather than just dump it down the drain, I bought canned milk and donated it to the kitchen cupboard.

    But my WIC nutritionist really wanted to get my WIC checks changed to substitute calcium-rich foods I needed for the milk I couldn’t use. She even applied personally to Albany on our behalf. They told her no, no and no.


  17. Pistol Pete

    ‘Never give up’: Teenager who lost his mom to leukemia and spent his childhood in homeless shelters is named valedictorian

    Griffin Furlong graduates from high school with 4.65 average
    18-year-old realized at young age that a good education was his only chance to have a better life
    Teenager is now trying to raise funds to study engineering at university


  18. Pistol Pete

    Here’s What Happened After Christians Begged God to Bring Rain to Water-Starved Texas City
    When I read this I envisioned Charlton Heston in ‘the Ten Commandment’ stretching out his arms and bellowing:”Behold His Mighty Hand!”


  19. Pistol Pete

    just as a parting shot,compare the reception the mulatto got at West Point:

    with the one George W. Bush got:

    you can’t bullshit these people…they know


  20. chrissythehyphenated

    Here’s something new for me. A friend has been posting things labeled, “Here’s your sign.” I didn’t get it, so she told me it was from Jeff Foxworthy, who says “stupid people should wear a signs.” ROFLLL


  21. chrissythehyphenated

    Booyah! Just saw a post from someone visiting Hawaii.

    “Last time we were here they just couldn’t say enough about their native son. This time we’re seeing anti oblowme t shirts!!”

    And he is supposedly planning to retire to Hawaii. Hahahaha! He’ll have to keep to one of the 1% compounds, the way Carpetbagger Clinton did when she pretended she lived in New York State.


    • Pistol Pete

      I think the halfrican asshat has pretty much worn out his welcome everywhere.


      • chrissythehyphenated

        I’m guessing if Mooch doesn’t already have those divorce papers drawn up, she’s got her divorce lawyer on speed dial, just waiting for the instant they are out of the WH.
