Obama’s anemic kick off at OSU

True, it was a lovely Saturday in May, lots of reason for kids to be cramming for finals or outside enjoying the weather. But this was the President of the United States who was wildly popular with young voters in 2008. And the Obama campaign boasted an expected overflow crowd. They didn’t get one, but this embarrassment was expertly cover up by most of the big media outfits. They’re good at that, having had plenty of experience in covering up for Teh Won over the last four years.

Chrissy’s Site Bites @ http://news.webshots.com/photo/2526152990056011884gHjkPf
Click on graphic to embiggen.
If you like this, you might also enjoy @ https://polination.wordpress.com/2012/05/05/2012-bumper-stickers/



Filed under Barack Obama, Elections, Media Bias, Mitt Romney

7 responses to “Obama’s anemic kick off at OSU

  1. Ting

    I read somewhere that 8,000 people were at the Richmond rally yesterday at VCU. I really don’t know how many people fit in that location (where the basketball games are played) but that would fill the basketball building across the street from me at the University of Richmond.


    • chrissythehyphenated

      Love this headline: “Hundreds line up for Obama rally at VCU” … HUNDREDS … ROFLLLLL


    • chrissythehyphenated

      Wikipedia says “7,500-(expandable to 8,000) seats” for VSU arena. OSU’s is ginormous by comparison, about 19,000 seats plus all that floor.


  2. A Mindful Webworker

    “…the floor is sparsely populated with standees….

    I greatly enjoy the idea of the Obama campaign filling the floor with cardboard cut-outs of people. Wouldn’t put it past ’em.


    • chrissythehyphenated

      What I read (after I posted all this) was that the standees were MOVED to the floor to provide “crowd” for the photographs. I’m thinking from all those empty seats in the lower tier, center.


      • chrissythehyphenated

        Duh … slow this morning. Finally got your standee joke. Double duh. Clearly need more java.


  3. Pingback: Obama embarrassed in Red State primaries | PoliNation