LBJ: The Quintessential Democrat

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Chrissy’s Site Bites:

Chrissy’s Site Bites:

President Lyndon Johnson using the “N” word

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Filed under Civil Rights, Race Relations

3 responses to “LBJ: The Quintessential Democrat

  1. A Mindful Webworker

    To be fair, at the time, n!gg@r was no more a term of derision than the general racism of the South. I mean, it was just a word, not meant to be any more derogatory than Negro, although more frequently employed by the ‘lower’ classes, of all races. Certainly less fraught with ugliness than how blacks tend to use it about themselves now.

    I had a most interesting talk about the term once with a college friend, a black inner-Detroit fellow, trying to explain the colloquial usage. He later told me he had me pegged for a typical white Southern racist, but I think he got past that. Different cultures. His house was the only one not burned on his block in the ’68 riots, because his family and a white family shared the house! I did not grow up like that!


    • Ting

      I did not grow up like that, either, Mindful.


    • chrissythehyphenated

      “The general racism of the South” … my point exactly!

      LBJ and the Democrat Party in general made a LOT of hay over the fact that a Democrat signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964. I heard a story that LBJ was a flaming racist who said, on signing the bill, “That’ll keep the niggers voting Democrat for 50 years!”

      I couldn’t find any verification, but thought this phone call suggested the story could be true. The fact is that Democrats fought civil rights tooth and nail right up until Blacks had won enough rights (courtesy of Republicans) to vote in significant numbers. Since they voted Republican, the Democrats abruptly switched sides and have preached an altered history ever since.

      I’ve been chronicling the real facts for a while and will continue to do so. Check out Chrissy’s Site Bites album: “Conservative Americans are NOT racists!” @

      There’s a lot of good stuff in there.
