“Let’s take these sons of bitches out”?????

By Chrissy the Hyphenated

Does the internet need yet another rant about Hoffa et al. Probably not, but dad burn it, I’m Seriously Annoyed and Want to Vent.

Besides, I need to try and post something now that I have “successfully” (remains to be seen) downloaded and installed Adobe Flash. One hopes that (a) it did and (b) now I can post here.

So on to my rant …

“Let’s take these sons of bitches out”?????

I haven’t been keeping a complete record of all the Leftist Hate Mongers who are colluding to cast me and mine as Very Bad People, but I’ve heard far more of it than I can stomach.

We are routinely referred to not by the name we prefer (which Political Correctness supposedly demands, does it not?) but by a crude nickname that is synonymous with a grotesque sexual act.

And I have heard the exact same Anti-Tea Party Talking Points (i.e., we’re racists, terrorists, yada yada) coming from:

  •          leading Democrats like former President Clinton, House leader Nancy Pelosi, Senate leader Harry Reid, and other leading lights in the DNC such as Senator Kerry and Senator Schumer;
  •          blatantly extremist talk show and blog Lefties like Janeane Garofalo and Ed Schultz;
  •          purveyors of news.

I would think it would be a major red flag for serious, intelligent voters that alleged journalists at ABC, CBS, NBC, WaPo, the New York Times etc. sound so very much like overtly partisan hate mongers, especially after all that tut-tutting they did about the targets on Palin’s election map.  One might almost conclude they were “not real news organizations.”

Now, oh surprise surprise [NOT], we have another in the Democrats’ Army of Shameless Shills … the president of the Teamsters union … not only saying Tea Partiers are “sons of bitches” who need to be “taken out”, but also doing it while introducing the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES at a LABOR DAY EVENT.

How very “healing of the wounds of our nation” to have a prominent Obama supporter slander MILLIONS of patriotic Americans in such a venue. Obviously Hoffa felt comfortable saying such hateful things in this venue, which is no wonder, seeing as he and and our “healing” president are clearly on the same page as the rest of the Leftist hate mongers.


Below, I’m going to paraphrase someone I admire tremendously, who put what I believe better than I could:

In introducing the President, Teamsters President James Hoffa declared war on concerned independent Americans and on the freshman members we sent to Congress last November by saying, “Let’s take these son-of-a-bitches out!”

As a proud former union member and the wife, daughter, and sister of union members, I have to say please don’t be taken in by union bosses’ thuggery like Jim Hoffa represented yesterday. Union bosses like this do not have your best interests at heart. They have all but destroyed the labor movement in this country.

The union bosses derive their power from your union dues and their promise to deliver your votes to whichever politician they’re in bed with. They get their power from you, and yet their actions ultimately hurt you. They’re chasing American industry offshore by making outrageous, economically illogical demands that they know will never work.

When big government, big business, and big union bosses collude together, they get government to maximize their own interests against those of the rest of the country. So, now these union bosses are desperately trying to cast the grassroots Tea Party Movement as being “against the workingman.”

How outrageously wrong.  We stand with the little guy against the corruption and influence peddling of those who collude to grease the wheels of government power. This collusion is at the heart of Obama’s economic vision for America. In practice it is socialism for the very rich and the very poor, but a brutal form of capitalism for the rest of us.

Obama’s economic vision for America is socialism

for the very rich and the very poor, but a

brutal form of capitalism for the rest of us.  

For all his lofty rhetoric, President Obama is a Chicago politician, not by birth, but by choice. Graft, cronyism, and quid pro quo are the well-known methods of an infamous Chicago political machine, which Barack Obama sought out, joined, participated in and finally emerged from to perform on the national stage.

This corruption isn’t just the result of a few bad apples. It’s the nature of the system. I know of what I speak. I too served in public office in a state that had a corruption problem. The difference is that I grew up in Alaska and chose to fight the corrupt political machine.

Barack Obama had no connection to the Chicago area before he selected it as the place where he would pursue his political career. He didn’t go to Chicago to clean up the corruption. He went there to use it. And then he brought it to the White House.

Read the original (which I freely adapted for my own ranting purposes) at:

Welcome, Union Brothers and Sisters by Sarah Palin – September 6, 2011


Filed under Barack Obama, Democrats, Media Bias, Sarah Palin, Tea Party, Unions

9 responses to ““Let’s take these sons of bitches out”?????

  1. Welcome back Chrissy !

    Can you imagine if a Republican supporter said this about Democrats !? New civility, but not for them, grrrrrrrr.


  2. Ting

    Thanks, Chrissy. Another very good rant. This episode deserves many.


  3. And SHE’S BACK. That was a looooooooooooooooooooooooong absence. Welcome back.


  4. chrissythehyphenated

    Hi!!! So nice to have my peeps talking at me again. 🙂 I miss you and the work so much. Still long way from my “real” work … but each day seems to bring it’s little bit of progress and another problem to solve.

    Yesterday’s Progress was great: successfully removed unwanted McAfee, uploaded and installed Adobe Flashplayer, uploaded and sent postcard from Webshots and text blogged here.

    Yesterday’s Problem: WordPress will NOT let me upload a graphic! I tried both ways and got nowhere, except having to crash and reboot over and over because it froze my system. Couldn’t find anything at the Help center, so wrote customer service but no reply as yet.

    I had no problems with XL-Firefox set up on old puter. My best guess is that something about my settings was fine for that, but not fine for Vista-Firefox. Beyond that guess, I’m clueless.

    Also, funny story. I’ve been cleaning out my old HB contacts files and discovered I had folders for some of our PN admin team with old emails. I was all “Oh that’s who that was.” 🙂

    I’m switching all my contacts to the default program in my new Vista for, wait for it … “Contacts” … clever name, no? It has a feature for sticking little pictures in for icons, so all y’all are going to be a lot more easy to keep organized. I’ve got some of youse in HB, CO, and PN folders. Messy messy.

    New puter was gifted to me by deploying off-spring who decided it would be Too Last Year by the time they returned, so might as well give it to poor olde parental unit who was struggling along with elderly squirrel-driven dinosaur.

    I sent a progress report and got back a sweet note about new puter … it has a history. The first thing they bought together and it went on their honeymoon with them! Awwwwwwwwwwww! How apropos that I chose their First Dance (wedding reception) as my desktop background. And I didn’t even know. Just love the pic and miss them both so much.

    Another bonus … Vista has this right side bar utility where I can have a calendar and a tiny notepad that is just great for the special prayer intention of the day.

    I just tried out the weather option and found they have ALL the places my Hyphens inhabit. Not sure if this multiple feed will interfere with my internet speed but I’m going to try it. Anything to make me feel a little closer to my far flung loved ones. And oh look, it knows it’s raining here. Clever, clever internet. 🙂


  5. You don’t just sneak back in quietly, do you? 🙂

    On an article on Ace of Spades about this same subject, Hoffa’s violent rhetoric, there’s a comment that I thought at first was a joke, being almost exactly like a sarcastic comment previously posted, but which I think may be serious.

    “Let’s remember, Sarah Palin painted a “target” pointing very directly at Gabby Gifford’s district. I don’t see how anyone fair could ever really compare what Hoffa did to that. He didn’t target specific people and didn’t mention Guardsmen at all. So let’s be real, what Mr. Hoffa did just wasn’t remotely the same….”

    Joke or not, some people seriously think like that! One can hardly summon the energy to address the fallacies inherent here, but I bring it up for one reason: the “targeting” that the Palin map did clearly regarded elections, and of all the people targeted, only one got shot, by a loon whose politics are irrelevant except that he was unlikely to have ever seen or heard of the map. The Loughner-Palin connection is just one of those “say anything” lefty-lunatic memes, of course. Like, Bachmann was thinking of John Wayne Gacy instead of John Wayne. Jaw-droppingly ludicrous.

    However, when you have someone exhorting unions with what is clear violent rhetoric, the idea that they’re only talking about elections gets a little iffy. Maybe a lot iffy. Sarah has hunted moose. Unions have a long reputation for severe violent tactics, and I’m sure I don’t have to offer any of the wealth of evidence for that one. Another commenter in the same Ace page said, “The Hoffa remarks reached far and wide, and I’ve fielded two out-of-the-blue inquiries from acquaintances in real life about what is involved in buying guns and keeping them in the home since yesterday morning.”

    So, there’s silly spin like the Sarah-shot-Gabby connection, and the lunatics who believe it, which may be politically reprehensible, but is physically harmless. And then there’s the real threats, the kind that lead to real violence. The kind that Jimmy’s dad found out about, I’d say.

    I admire Sarah so much, and I’m sure she knows she’s not just sacrificing her privacy and painting a target on herself, just by speechifying, much less if she runs; she’s putting her very life on the line.

    Sorry for my keyboard running over. I’ll just end with: This is going to be one interesting election.


    • Posted my long rant then went back and read the Tuesday Grudge, with its link to the Malkin article. Yeah. That stuff. And she didn’t even include the T-shirt vendor who got the stuffing beat out of him. Linked Malkin’s article below my site’s copy of my rant, with a h/t to Pete, of course.


  6. chrissythehyphenated

    RE: quiet … me? If you could only hear my IRL laugh. Over the years, I’ve been told (by those who never learned “If you can’t say something nice, keep your trap shut”) that I sound like a braying donkey. Also that my real laugh sounds like I’m faking a laugh. I didn’t get it … until I heard my youngest after she’d grown old enough to display her adult voice. Poor kid … she inherited it. And those unkindest cuts were spot on. sigh. I wonder if it’s attached to the hands. Youngest has my exact hands. So does Baby Buzz. Yoiks!


  7. chrissythehyphenated

    Not so sure Tucson shooter’s politics isn’t somewhat to the point, even if he is a certified nutcase. I heard he had volunteered for Giffords’ campaign and had emailed or called her, maybe texted? I forget, but enough that she knew him by name.
