And now for our Political Science lesson

Click graphics to embiggen for easier reading.

Following your potty break, please write 250 words on one of the following topics:

  1. Birds of a feather flock together
  2. What goes around, comes around.
  3. Karma’s a bitch

Please remember to wash your hands before returning to class.


Filed under Democrats

5 responses to “And now for our Political Science lesson

  1. I suppose this ought to go on the Thursday Grudge or somewhere, but, well… anyway… it’s late, I’m tired, and I just wanted to drop this somewhere. Here y’ go.

    Wife and I just finished watching Mr Smith Goes to Washington. Haven’t watched it in, well, maybe thirty years. Been looking forward to seeing it again, but enjoyed it more than ever. Suggest everybody watch it again, if you haven’t recently. Our copy is a really nice restoration by the Library of Congress. I recommend it.

    While you’re cheering on Jimmy “Mr Smith” Stewart, see if you, too, can spot the Lamestream Media vs the Bloggers. Among other modern parallels.


    • I have never seen that movie, just clips on best of…lists. I’ll keep an eye out for it.

      My favorite political movie is The American President w/Michael Douglas. For some reason I can watch that over and over thinking that’s how I want my President to behave. It became the inspiration for The West Wing.


    • chrissythehyphenated

      Thanks for the reminder. I just put it at #1 on my Netflix queue. We haven’t seen it since we rented it on VHS back when the girls were studying American History in high school.


  2. Dee

    In the same vein of Poli Science lessons:

    Cain apologizes to Muslims

    I may be the only one who feels this way, but I’m glad he did this. He’s been making some really terrible statements lately about Muslims. I was a huge Cain supporter, but after he kept making those kind of statements I lost my love. Now I can look forward to hearing him speak on Saturday!


    • chrissythehyphenated

      I think I speak for all of us when I say … “PLEASE, bring back a very chatty report!” 🙂
