Category Archives: George W. Bush

Thanks, But No Thanks

George W. Bush to fundraise for GOP candidates

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The Unreported Revolution

Protests have raged for days throughout Iran, as people rebel against an oppressive regime that rules with an iron fist. This is not the first time the people have risen up, resulting in rivers of blood among those craving freedom.

What’s going on in Iran? – June 2009 – Green Revolution

Fact Check: Was Obama ‘silent’ on Iran 2009 protests?

On June 13, 2009, Iran announced that incumbent President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad won a landslide victory. His main opponent, Mir Hossein Moussavi, had already alleged blatant violations. After the announcement, angry crowds of Moussavi supporters took to the streets.


June 15, Obama gave remarks on the situation. He said he was watching the news from Iran. It is “up to Iranians to make decisions about who Iran’s leaders will be,” he said, adding that “we respect Iranian sovereignty and want to avoid the United States being the issue inside of Iran.”

Asked why he would not spell out potential consequences for Iran over its behavior, the president replied, “Because I think that we don’t know yet how this thing is going to play out. I know everybody here is on a 24-hour news cycle. I’m not.”

[CtH: He was fast enough with condemning COPS, without having ANY of the facts.  What a hypocrite.]

His silence validated the mullahs, despite the blood on their hands and the nuclear centrifuges in their tunnels,” presidential hopeful Tim Pawlenty alleged last year in the race for the Republican nomination.


Anti-Regime Protests Break Out Across Iran

The crowds drilled to chant ‘death to America’ went off the script and demanded the end of the Islamic regime instead. Videos show Iranians chanting ‘Death to the dictator’ and ‘Death to Rouhani’.

President Obama, busy cementing his ‘legacy’ with a Nuclear Deal with the Iranian regime, refused to show any support for the pro-democracy movement in Iran. He even threw a lifeline the Iranian regime at a time when international sanctions were finally beginning to show results.

As columnist Eli Lake explained, writing for the Bloomberg, “Obama wasn’t just reluctant to show solidarity in 2009, he feared the demonstrations would sabotage his secret outreach to Iran.”

“Obama from the beginning of his presidency tried to turn the country’s ruling clerics from foes to friends,” Lake added.

President Obama’s Nuclear Deal allowed Iran access to assets frozen in the US to the tune of $100 billion. The Obama administration even shipped $1.7 billion in cash to the regime, described as ‘settlement of old legal claim.’

With President Trump in office, those cash payments seem to have stopped. Buoyed by the cash flow thanks to Obama-Kerry Nuclear Deal, regime overstretched itself militarily, funding and manning pro-Iranian militia in Syria, Yemen and Lebanon. Tehran even resumed aid to the Gaza-based Islamist terror outfit Hamas — Hezbollah’s estranged evil Sunni twin, patching up ties strained by Iran’s intervention in the Syrian conflict.

Iran cuts social media access as unrest turns deadly
Iran cut access to social media on Sunday in a bid to head off further protests after days of unrest that saw two people killed and dozens arrested.

The interior minister warned protesters will “pay the price” as footage on social media showed thousands marching across the country overnight in the biggest test for the Islamic republic since mass demonstrations in 2009.

[CtH: The whiners who “protest” in the U.S. of A. should be kissing the Constitution in gratitude that they can do so with virtual impunity.]

#NeverTrump National Review Licked ‘the Mud Off of George W. Bush’s Boots’ While He Allowed Iraq’s Christians to Be Ethnically Cleansed
The Bush administration showed absolutely zero concern for the Christian communities of Iraq,” said Zmirak. “And we’re not talking five or six hundred people; 1.3 million Christians lived in Iraq when the Iraq War started, and they have lived there for two thousand years. They were some of the earliest Christian communities in the world. Way before there were Catholics in Rome, or before Constantinople existed, there were Christians in Iraq.”

“Seventy-five to eighty percent of [Iraq’s Christian communities] were ethnically cleansed while George Bush was president, while he was commander-in-chief, while he ruled that country as absolutely as Kim Jong-un rules North Korea. He didn’t care,” Zmirak stated

Some call Trump’s Iran protest tweets striking turnabout from Obama era

Those protesters are being buoyed by messages from the Trump administration, says the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), a coalition of democratic Iranian groups and personalities.
In two tweets earlier Saturday, President Donald Trump offered up a message of hope to the protesters: “The entire world understands that the good people of Iran want change, and, other than the vast military power of the United States, that Iran’s people are what their leaders fear the most…”

Trump added: “Oppressive regimes cannot endure forever, and the day will come when the Iranian people will face a choice. The World is watching!”

US ‘strongly condemns the arrest of peaceful protesters’ in Iran
Iran’s leaders have turned a wealthy country with a rich history and culture into an economically depleted rogue state whose chief exports are violence, bloodshed, and chaos,” the department said in a statement. “As President Trump has said, the longest-suffering victims of Iran’s leaders are Iran’s own people.”

“We urge all nations to publicly support the Iranian people and their demands for basic rights and an end to corruption,” the statement added.

CNN Caught Sharing Iranian Regime Propaganda

The Iranian regime also decided to hold their own rallies in support of the corrupt ruling class.  Protesters were bused in for the rallies.
The pro-regime protesters were carrying ‘down with Israel’ signs.  This photo was taken from Tasnim News Agency in Iran from their protest shots today.
Later today CNN reported on the rallies. CNN took their photos from the Tasnim News Agency.  They are literally spewing the pro-regime propaganda in their news reports

Supreme Leader Tweets About Jesus, But Iran is One of World’s Worst Persecutors of Christians
Iran is also one of 10 countries currently designed “countries of particular concern” under U.S. law for egregious violations of religious freedom.  Iran carries out more executions each year than any country apart from China, applying the death penalty for offenses including apostasy, insulting Mohammed and other “grand prophets,” moharebeh (enmity against Allah) and “corruption on earth.”

Just two weeks before Christmas, however, the independent Iranian Christian news agency Mohabat News reported that security forces raided six houses in Karaj, Iran’s fourth-largest city, where Christians hold house church services.

It said four converts to Christianity were arrested and that shops owned by two of the men were also raided.  Four of the Christians received ten year prison sentences, after being convicted of engaging in missionary activities and “conducting activities against national security,” Christian Solidarity Worldwide reported at the time.

“The charges and sentences against these four men are unwarranted and unjustifiable, given the paucity of the evidence against them,” said CSW chief executive Mervyn Thomas.

Iran Starts Killing Protesters, ABC Ignores While CBS and NBC Downplay

Disgustingly, the deaths didn’t trigger much air on the three major American networks. ABC’s Good Morning America had a blackout of the deaths and protests all together while NBC only found 24 seconds for them. CBS finally discovered the protests, as they continued into their fourth day, dedicating a meager 16 seconds.

Instead of allowing serious time for the brutal murders of Iranian civilians and the protests, whose marchers have been chanting “Death to Rouhani” and “We don’t want an Islamic republic,” NBC’s Sunday Today ran a four minute and 37 seconds long highlight reel of the media slamming and smearing President Trump from this past year.


[CtH: I don’t get it. :0/]


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Filed under Barack Obama, Christianity, Donald Trump, George W. Bush, Iran, Islam, Israel, News Media

World AIDS Day and PEPFAR Success

Don’t hold your breath waiting on the Left Stream Media to trumpet this news. It might make Presidents Bush and Trump look good. Can’t have that!

President Trump proclaimed December 1, 2017, as World AIDS Day, a moment to “honor those who have lost their lives to AIDS [and] celebrate the remarkable progress we have made in combatting this disease.”

President Bush started the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) in 2003.  Before PEPFAR, only 50,000 people were receiving lifesaving antiretroviral treatment (ART) in sub-Saharan Africa. Today, PEPFAR supports more than 13.3 million men, women, and children on ART.

1990-2016 AIDS related deaths and PEPFAR


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Filed under Africa, Donald Trump, George W. Bush

My Outrage Runneth Over

Leftists make me SICK. Thankfully, Wounded Warrior J.R. Salzman tweets!


  • If I have this right, Obama released dangerous terrorists, to free Bergdahl from captivity, all so he could plead guilty and go to prison?
  • I had a couple thoughts pop into my head today about Bergdahl. First, does everyone remember the timing? Right after the VA scandal.
  • After the press reported that veterans were dying on secret waitlists, after Obama had promised to fix the VA, they needed positive news.
  • There were times the military knew where Bergdahl was being held right down to the number of men guarding him. Obama wouldn’t greenlight.
  • Suddenly on the heels of the VA scandal, Bergdahl became urgent. His health was supposedly failing. Obama said the trade HAD to happen.
  • Although the military knew he had walked off and deserted, Obama gave him a hero’s welcome. Rice said he served with honor and distinction.
  • There was the big TV conference with Obama and Bergdahls parents. It was all spin. Then his former soldiers started coming forward.
  • They started revealing how many soldiers were killed and wounded looking for him after he deserted. The spin collapsed and now here we are.
  • As a veteran I agree that we never leave a man behind, even a shit bag like Bergdahl. But the positive spin never should have happened.
  • Bergdahl was never a hero. He chose to abandon his post and his fellow soldiers got killed and wounded because of his actions.
  • Unfortunately the whole scenario is what happens when politics and the military converge. People get used as props. I experienced it too.
  • In the end five terrorists were released who never should’ve been. And Bergdahl was released from captivity only to go to another captivity.


  • Amazing to see those who basically cheered when a soldier died under Bush bring out the fainting couches for gold star families under Trump.
  • You a**holes never supported us under Bush. You cheered every time the soldier death count ticker got higher on CNN. We were political ammo.
  • You marched in your little antiwar protests. You threw fake blood on our recruiting centers. You protested outside Walter Reed every Friday.
  • You shouted about the fierce sense of moral urgency to immediately end the wars and bring all the troops home. And then what happened?
  • Then Obama got elected and you disappeared. You turned your back on the wars. Your protests were all for show. F*** you and your politics.
  • Do you think those of us who served have forgotten how you treated us? How you cheered for failure? We haven’t. We never will. F*** you all.

My two cents:

The Left called George W. Bush a “blood for oil” war-mongering cowboy who didn’t care a toot about soldiers’ lives. Yet, Bush regularly visited Wounded Warriors in hospital while he was in office and has done so since he retired. He continues to host annual sporting events for them in which he personally participates and he and Laura have Gold Star wives and moms to their home.

The Left called Barack Obama a hero for peace. The Nobel committee gave him a prize for promoting peace when he had done exactly nothing except run for office and not be George Bush.

The slobbering Democrat media did not CARE that, while campaigning, he ditched a scheduled visit to a U.S. military hospital because they wouldn’t let his camera crew inside, or that he sent form letters to the bereaved, or that he lied to the faces of the Benghazi families.

They did not CARE that he bombed more countries and involved us in more foreign wars than ANY PRESIDENT IN U.S. HISTORY.

They did not CARE that his wife made “Support for Military Families” one of her two First Lady projects but, to my knowledge, never visited or did damn all to support wounded warriors or the families of wounded and killed soldiers.

So, Lefties … ASK me if I CARE what you think about Trump’s phone calls or whatever it is you’re whining about. Go ahead, ask. I dare you.


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Filed under Armed Forces, Barack Obama, Bowe Bergdahl, Donald Trump, George W. Bush, VA

How the Iraq War was Won and Lost

2009 The Iraq Obama Inherited

George Bush won the war. Democrats lied about it and then Barack Obama waltzed in and snatched defeat from the jaws of victory.  This isn’t my politically-blinded opinion. This is what really happened. It’s what my kids, who were THERE, have told me.

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95% of New Jobs under Obama Were Temporary


During his farewell press conference, President Obama claimed that, “Since I signed Obamacare into law (in 2010), our businesses have added more than 15 million new jobs.”

Reality check, Mr. Lame Duck President.  Only 10 million new jobs were created during your eight years in office and 94% of them were TEMPORARY POSITIONS.

The disappearance of conventional full-time work has punished every demographic, but FEMALE-dominated jobs — like education and medicine — were particularly hard hit.



Filed under Barack Obama, Economy, George W. Bush

Bush v. Obama: Vacays



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Obama Scorecard: Jobs


In response to Trump’s crowing about the 1,000 jobs he convinced Carrier to keep in the United States, Obama’s Press Secretary, Josh Earnest, claimed that Trump needs 804 more Carrier deals to match President Obama’s record on manufacturing jobs.

Wrong.  There are 303,000 FEWER manufacturing jobs in the United States than there were when Barack Obama took office.

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Filed under Barack Obama, Economy, George W. Bush, Unemployment

Khalid Sheik Mohammed says Dubya was right

During interrogations, KSM said that Bush’s aggressive response to the 9/11 attacks was the opposite of what al-Qaeda expected … and that it saved us from a second wave of attacks.

“Today, some on both the left and the right argue that al-Qaeda wanted to draw us into a quagmire in Afghanistan — and now the Islamic State wants to do the same in Iraq and Syria. KSM said this is dead wrong. Far from trying to draw us in, KSM said that al-Qaeda expected the United States to respond to 9/11 as we had the 1983 bombing of the Marine barracks in Beirut — when, KSM told Mitchell, the United States “turned tail and ran.”

He also said he thought we would treat 9/11 as a law enforcement matter, just as we had the bombings of the U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania and the USS Cole in Yemen — arresting some operatives and firing a few missiles into empty tents, but otherwise leaving him free to plan the next attack.

“How was I supposed to know that cowboy George Bush would announce he wanted us ‘dead or alive’ and then invade Afghanistan to hunt us down?”


Read the rest @

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Filed under 9/11, Afghanistan, Al Qaeda, George W. Bush, Terrorism

A few Sunday things

VIDEO: Sheriff Clarke Crushes Obama for Failing to Calm Down Anti-Trump Riots


I am seeing remarks on Facebook about how both sides are behaving badly.  Really?  Where’s the evidence of RIOTING by the right wingers?!  Nobody bussed in protesters to riot anywhere after Obama was elected.  And THIS didn’t happen during either of Obama’s Inaugural Day Parades.

George W. Bush – Inauguration Day – 2001 [1:03]

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Filed under Barack Obama, David Clarke, George W. Bush, Megyn Kelly