Happy Pentecost!

ANTI-SEMITISM: [:44] – Sometimes I just can’t bear to read, much less condense a report for all y’all. This is one of those times.

AOC vs. BEN SHAPIRO: Apartheid: A policy or practice of separating or segregating groups. – Among those on the Left who have referred to Israel as an “apartheid state” is squadmember Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Ben Shapiro tweeted a stunning rebuttal that I turned into a graphic.

BABYLON BEE: Go read this one! LOL

FAUCI: [8:52] – There is no point in listening to him … ever.

JOAN RIVERS: [1:31] – This is excellent.

MARRIAGE: The slippery slope gets steeper as God-hating activists push to legalize incestuous marriage.

MASK ABUSE: When a 10-year-old said wearing her mask on the bus made her feel sick, her peers harassed her and the bus driver slapped her hard across the face. Thankfully, the bus has a camera on it. The driver has been fired and charged with child abuse causing injury, harassment, and third degree assault.

NO LONGER A VICTIM: [12:30] – Please watch this. It is a truly powerful testimony of the power of forgiveness.

PROSTHETIC BEAK: Renascer ACN, an animal rehabilitation center located in Planura, Brazil, has successfully built a prosthetic beak for this wild-rescued parrot. While it allows the bird to eat normally and enjoy a healthy life, it could eventually fall off, so the parrot will not be returned to the wild.

RUSSIA: OANN interview with Michael Waller on Biden’s Ties to Russia [4:50] – CLICK https://www.facebook.com/whitehousebrief/videos/196881515618429 [5:42] to hear Ted Cruz talk about the same issues.

SIMONE BILES: CLICK https://twitter.com/NBCOlympics/status/1395757031945080836 [:11] to see this amazing gymnast land a Yurchenko double pike vault. She could be the first woman to attempt the extremely difficult and dangerous move in competition.

TRANS: CLICK https://www.facebook.com/MattWalshBlog/videos/499584491468454 [5:30] to hear Matt Walsh makes a great point that the pro-trans people, who supposedly believe individuals have the right to CHOOSE, do not cheer the choice of de-transitioners.

WUHAN LAB: [4:42] – Sean Hannity interviews Rep. Devin Nunes and Dr. Nicole Saphier about the origins of the COVID-19 virus.

GRAMMY NOTES: I love these things.

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