Bits & Bytes

BETTE MIDLER: It’s sad how hateful and ignorant this woman is. All the people inside those white hoods were DEMOCRATS. Her nasty tweets have made it impossible for me to watch her movies.

BIG BROTHER: Two California Democrats – Rep. Anna Eshoo and Rep. Jerry McNerney – sent a letter to a dozen different cable companies asking, “Are you planning to continue carrying Fox News, Newsmax, and OANN? If so, why?

The letter was followed up with a House subcommittee hearing on how to weed out what Democrats call “disinformation and extremism” in the media, which Democrats consider “a tangible and destabilizing threat.

CREATED EQUAL: Despite making a significant effort to celebrate black voices, Amazon Prime abruptly decided to stop streaming “Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own Words”, a popular documentary about our only sitting black Supreme Court justice. Payback for his dissent on the election fraud cases?

DAN BONGINO: CPAC speech [14:59] – We’re not vanquished until we agree we are. So don’t agree. Dan makes one of the same points Kristi Noem does, which is that WORDS and ACTIONS both matter. Listening to Dan’s speech I’m thinking, yes, I’ll keep fighting.

But not because I think we can win or save America, because I believe we have already passed the point of no return, particularly with the national debt. However, I will definitely keep fighting, because there isn’t a doubt in my mind that the Left is serving Satan and that the consequence of following him is eternal damnation. So, I will keep saying and doing all I can to promote conservative values, because I hope I might help save a soul.

KRISTI NOEM: CPAC speech [25:52] – This is awesome and well worth your time. Watch it to the end. You may need a tissue.

METOO: This will come as no surprise to anyone who is familiar with the way Biden has behaved toward women throughout his career.

PERSONALLY OPPOSED: [2:45] – Cardinal Arinze’s simple but powerful answer about the Leftist Catholic’s “personally opposed, but…” argument for abortion.

RANDOM ACTS OF KINDNESS: This good man found a lady’s wallet at Wal*Mart and drove it to the owner’s home. Everything was still in it.

GRAMMY NOTES: Mama and Lil Buzz went on a field trip to Arlington National Cemetery with his Boy Scout troop. At the top of this entry arch is inscribed, On fame’s eternal camping ground, their silent tents are spread. And glory guards with solemn round the bivouac of the dead.

WOW: Be sure to CLICK [2:02] and watch this stunningly beautiful ribbon routine!

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