“I can’t be silent.” – Vice President Pence

The day before this interview, the hags on The View had mocked Vice President Pence’s faith.

“It’s one thing to talk to Jesus. It’s another thing when Jesus talks to you. That’s called mental illness, if I’m not correct, hearing voices.” – Joy Behar

I guess all those nut jobs the Bible talks about having heard God should’ve just been locked up!

Or something.



Filed under Christianity, Mike Pence

8 responses to ““I can’t be silent.” – Vice President Pence

  1. Many of them WERE locked up. And worse.


  2. rednig

    I listen to God. I don’t listen to Nazis like on the View. Hitler was well-known for his contempt of Christianity, calling us the other Jews. The DNC went Nazi in the 30s and continues to repeat Hitler in all things. https://www.davnet.org/kevin/articles/table.html


    • chrissythehyphenated

      I’ve heard at least some of it went the other way, that Hitler was a great admirer of Margaret Sanger’s eugenics views.

      Liked by 1 person

      • rednig

        Worse, she called him her spiritual son, and he, his spiritual mother. She was a great hit on the KKK talk circuit, as well. The museum of Munich, Ger., has a lot of her letters to him. Anything the DNC touches is Nazi controlled. They own Planned Parenthood, and always did. Peace to you, their end is soon.


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