Be Careful What You Wish For

One thing is clear. If the miserable slug from Nevada had not undone the filibuster in his zeal to get rafts of Obama judicial nominees, President Trump would not have a single cabinet member confirmed. Not a one.

  • Education Secretary: Betsy DeVos confirmed on a voted 51-50.
  • Attorney General: Jeff Sessions confirmed 52-47.
  • HHS Secretary: Tom Price confirmed 52-47.

To the surprise of absolutely no one, the injunction against the travel ban was upheld by the ninth circuit by a margin of 3-0.

Sessions had not yet been confirmed and the lawyers from the Justice Department who argued the case were holdovers from the Obama regime, so there was no real motivation to put much effort in their argument.

It is paramount that the Republicans get Neil Gorsuch confirmed to SCOTUS before the case is heard there. With a 4-4 split, if Kennedy sides with the originalists in deciding such action is within the purview of presidential power, the lower court ruling would stand. It will eventually be reinstated, but the when is unknown.

Dianne Feinstein Regrets Filibuster Reform as Senate Confirms More Trump Cabinet Picks
The Senate confirmed Rex Tillerson as Secretary of State with 56 votes; Jeff Sessions as Attorney General with 52 votes; and Betsy DeVos, who barely reached a majority of 51 votes without Vice President Mike Pence’s deciding vote to confirm her as Secretary of Education.

“As we look back, it may well have been better to not have changed the rules.”

Some Democrats remain unapologetic about the decision, however. Sen. Tim Kaine (D-Va.) told IJR he maintains that filibuster reform was essential:

“At the time I thought, ‘I might serve here with a Republican president and I might serve here when there’s a Republican majority.’  We were in a situation where positions that were really important were going vacant for years at a time.”

9th Circuit Refuses to Reinstate Immigration Pause; ‘We Beat You,’ Gov. Tells Trump
Moments after the ruling, Trump tweeted, “SEE YOU IN COURT,” adding that “THE SECURITY OF OUR NATION IS AT STAKE!”

In response, Washington Gov. Jay Inslee, a Democrat who leads one of the states that challenged the ban, said: “Mr. President, we just saw you in court, and we beat you.”

The court battle is far from over. An appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court seems likely. That could put the decision in the hands of a divided court that has a vacancy.

Trump’s nominee, Neil Gorsuch, is unlikely to be confirmed in time to take part in any consideration of the ban, which was set to expire in 90 days unless it is changed.

Schumer: ‘We Think We Have Done a Real Service to America’ by Vilifying Trump’s Nominees
Senate Democrats flew a restaurant worker all the way from Los Angeles to Washington on Thursday, to help them portray President Trump’s nominee for Labor Secretary not only as “unqualified,” but also as someone who steals money from workers; looks the other way when workers are sexually harassed; forces people to work for free; punishes them for calling in sick; and fights against raising the minimum wage.

“Puzder called us the worst of the worst and the bottom of the pool. I work myself to the bone just to survive. Why would we want someone who think so little of workers in charge of policies that could impact all of us?” the allegedly victimized woman asked.

On Thursday, Schumer told the same news conference, “It’s disgraceful to put ‘secretary of labor’ and ‘Puzder’ in the same sentence, given his views.”

Schumer said Democrats hope they can force the withdrawal of Puzder’s nomination, but even if they can’t, it’s all about laying the groundwork to stymie the Trump administration:

While You Were Sleeping, Tom Price Was Confirmed As Health And Human Services Secretary
When Jeff Sessions was confirmed to be the 84th Attorney General of the United States Wednesday night, a vote was held to move Rep. Tom Price’s (R-GA) Health and Human Services nomination forward for a final vote.  Around 2:15 A.M this morning Price was confirmed in a 52-47 vote.

Hillary Clinton Gloats Over 9th Circuit Ruling Against Trump: “3-0″

Kellyanne Conway Tweets Back

Liberal Ninth Circuit Court Is Overturned in Recent Years 80% of Time

The Ninth Circuit Court ruled against President Trump and continued to block his travel ban on Thursday.  The Ninth Circuit is the most liberal court in the country — and is the most reversed court in the country.

2010, perhaps seeking to reclaim its position at the top of the heap, the Ninth Circuit was reversed a startling 19 times (79 percent), three times as many reversals as most circuits had cases before the Supreme Court. The same pattern continued in the 2011 (71 percent) and 2012 terms (86 percent), when the Ninth Circuit was reversed more than twice as many times as most circuits had cases before the Court.








Filed under Betsy DeVos, Charles Schumer, Democrats, Dianne Feinstein, Donald Trump, HHS, Hillary Clinton, Immigration, Jeff Sessions, Kellyanne Conway, Neil Gorsuch, Rex Tillerson, Tom Price, U.S. Senate

11 responses to “Be Careful What You Wish For

  1. Pistol Pete

    Alabama AG Luther Strange Appointed to Sessions’s Senate Seat

    Republicans will welcome Strange with open arms since his appointment will “avoid a messy battle over Sessions’s seat.” Strange will have to endure a special election in 2018, but can run for the full six-year term in 2020.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Pistol Pete

    Fudge: Misdirected Anger At Obama Led To Trump’s Win

    “What Donald Trump did was address them at a very different, and emotional, a racial level, a fear level an anger level,” she told reporters at the Democratic policy retreat Thursday. “He didn’t win to because he had an economic message. What did he ever tell people he was going to do. I’m a fix it?”

    According to Fudge, Trump’s rhetoric led to misdirected anger at former President Barack Obama, which hurt her party during the 2016 cycle.


    • chrissythehyphenated

      I am SO SICK of elitist Democrats looking down their noses at all of us because they think we’re so DUMB.

      Obama talked and talked and talked, then said we opposed his policies because he hadn’t EXPLAINED THEM CLEARLY ENOUGH.

      Now Trump won cuz we’re not only dumb, but also big fat haters. AS IF Obama and the whole crowd of Obamacrats haven’t been pushing HATE for as long as I can remember.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Pistol Pete

    CT Governor’s Pistol Permit Rate Hike Prices the Poor Out of Gun Ownership

    He wants to raise the cost of a 5-year permit from “$140 to $370,” while simultaneously increasing the state’s take from $70 a permit to $300.
    According to the New Haven Register, Malloy’s goal is to bring in an additional “$9 million to the state annually” in an effort to help address the “$3.6 billion deficit” they are currently facing. Malloy also wants to raise the price Connecticut residents have to pay on background checks for gun sales and transfers. The current price is $50 and he wants to raise it to $75.


  4. Pistol Pete

    Trump Goes After Dem Senator Who Lied About Serving in Vietnam

    President Trump used Twitter to accuse Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D., Conn.) on Thursday of misrepresenting Trump’s Supreme Court justice nominee’s comments on Trump like he misrepresented his service in the Vietnam War.


  5. Pistol Pete

    Senate Republicans Push Bill To Split Up ‘Nutty 9th Circuit’

    Republican Sens. Jeff Flake and John McCain of Arizona introduced legislation last month to carve six states out of the San Francisco-based court circuit and create a brand new 12th Circuit.

    They argue that the 9th is too big, too liberal and too slow resolving cases. If they succeed, only California, Oregon, Hawaii and two island districts would remain in the 9th’s judicial fiefdom.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Pistol Pete

    Professor: “People Are Going To Die” Because Of White Trump Voters…

    “They told you ‘you are not a person,’ and it is ok to deal with that how you want. I’m not going to tell you how to deal with it because I am not you; I am not a person of color, I am not a woman, but I am going to tell you that it is ok to deal with it any way you want,” he explained, later dividing his class into two groups of people—whites and everyone else—saying the latter were allowed to feel “any way [they] want.”


  7. Pistol Pete

    Thief mauled by wild dogs after stealing woman’s purse

    But the German shepherd and pit bull were hardly treated like heroes — they were pepper-sprayed, clubbed and tranquilized by cops in order to rescue the perp before being carted off by city Animal Control workers.

    The 15-year-old thief made his move when he saw the 56-year-old victim get off an MTA bus at Springfield Boulevard and 145th Avenue in Springfield Gardens and place her purse on a bench around 8 p.m. Tuesday, according to the sources.

    The kid then allegedly grabbed the bag and took off into nearby Springfield Park, where he ran into the deputy dogs, who went into attack mode when they saw him running.

    They easily caught the teen and bit him on his body and face.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Pistol Pete

    THIS IS THE SILLIEST THING I EVER HEARD: Sean Spicer Goes Off On Reporter


  9. chrissythehyphenated

    Pete will enjoy this one! LOL
