This Is What We’re In For

That Hillary was going to be the next president was a forgone conclusion. They never dreamed it would be this easy.

The Conservative Catastrophe Ahead

For the conservative movement, it is Armageddon, as we now know who the next president will be.
Americans in 2016 resolved their next president not on November 8, the official date-to-come of the election, but on May 3 in the state of Indiana. It is Hillary Rodham Clinton. With Donald Trump winning Indiana, and Ted Cruz thereby suspending his campaign, the seal has been broken.

For conservatives, Armageddon is fully upon us: a Hillary Clinton presidency, once seemingly impossible when a half-dozen to a dozen attractive Republicans could have defeated her, is a fait accompli courtesy of Trump and his supporters. An unwaveringly devoted sect of followers have pushed a crass, vulgar, uninformed, unstable TV celebrity/casino-mogul/cult-of-personality figure through the Republican primary process, a man unequivocally unsuited in temperament, character, grace, and knowledge for the presidency of the United States.
Marco Rubio put it best when he described Donald Trump as a charlatan and con man who must not be allowed to hijack the conservative movement and the party of Lincoln and Reagan. Well, fear not a permanent hijacking, because Trump’s leadership of the GOP will last only until November, after which he will slink back to New York, and Hillary Clinton will slide into the White House. He can’t win because the vast majority of Americans (outside the tight sect of Trumpists) are repulsed by the man.


An Unmitigated Disaster

Republican party leaders may have worried that Donald Trump would not only lose the general election for the presidency, but would so poison the image of the party as to cause Republican candidates for Congress and for state and local offices to also lose. Now they seem to be trying to patch things up, in order to present an image of unity before the general elections this fall.
For decades after Republican President Herbert Hoover was demonized because the Great Depression of the 1930s began on his watch, Democrats warned repeatedly, in a series of later presidential elections, that a vote for the Republican candidate was a vote to return to the days of Herbert Hoover.

It was 20 years before another Republican was elected president. As late as the 1980s, President Ronald Reagan was called by the Democrats’ Speaker of the House, “Hoover with a smile.” When a high official of the Reagan administration appeared before Congress to explain the administration’s policy, a Democratic Senator said, “That’s Hoover talk, man!”
The old World War II phrase — “loose lips sink ships” — applies on land as well as on the water. And no one has looser lips than Donald Trump, who repeatedly spouts whatever half-baked idea pops into his head. A man in his 60s has life-long habits that are not likely to change. Age brings habits, even if it does not bring maturity.


Filed under Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton

19 responses to “This Is What We’re In For

  1. Pistol Pete

    McRINO Caught On Tape Whining: Trump Hurts My Chances For Reelection To Senate…

    F*CK HIM.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Pete, this relentless and unexpurgated vitriol toward our Republican nominee is a daily reminder why my kind are no longer welcome here.

    Maybe you should stop demolishing Trump, and instead direct your insults toward the American voting public, who is obviously too stupid to be trusted.

    I thought once the primaries were over the rancor would abate. Never in my wildest dreams did I consider it would actually escalate.

    Liked by 4 people

    • Pistol Pete

      I was not offering a personal opinion.I have made my preferences clear before.This is merely a harbinger of what we will be faced with for the better part of the next 5 months.Never,EVER think ‘your kind’ are unwanted here.Your feelings are every bit as valid as anybody elses.We do not condemn,denigrate or scoff at what anyone has to say…as long as they are mannerly,which you most certainly are.Speaking only for myself I value your insight as well as your quick wit.You are always welcome here.

      Liked by 2 people

      • Pete, I love your work (and all due respect to awesome Chrissy, it’s the main reason I’m here), but it’s disingenuous to hide behind the claim you’re only repeating what others said. You have the choice to quote supporters or detractors; you choose detractors. Have you ever posted anything complimentary to Trump? I’ve seen lots of denigration, but it goes far beyond even that:

        “For conservatives, Armageddon is fully upon us: a Hillary Clinton presidency, once seemingly impossible when a half-dozen to a dozen attractive Republicans could have defeated her, is a fait accompli courtesy of Trump and his supporters. An unwaveringly devoted sect of followers have pushed a crass, vulgar, uninformed, unstable TV celebrity/casino-mogul/cult-of-personality figure through the Republican primary process, a man unequivocally unsuited in temperament, character, grace, and knowledge for the presidency of the United States.”

        I’m happy to discuss policy, but if all we’re doing is insulting the guy, then count me out. Lots of people don’t like his demeanor, but those people are prizing form over content. Which of his policies are going to release Armageddon? Suspending Muslim immigration? Building a wall on our border? Renegotiating with Iran and China? Revising the tax code? Sounds good to me so far.

        But then his opponents claim he won’t really do any of these things, To those people, I’d like to also ask for tomorrow’s lottery numbers since they’re obviously prescient.

        The key to “getting” Trump is to understand his street-level New York humor, similar in a lot of ways to Ann Coulter. He knows he’s a buffoon, but he uses that as another negotiating tool. In a starting field of seventeen, at the very least we should acknowledge the dude’s ability to use these tools to squash an opposition of “a half-dozen to a dozen attractive Republicans” that has thrown literally half a billion dollars against him, and has come up wanting.

        Trump takes no prisoners, and I for one am drooling at the prospect of Hillary mincemeat.

        Liked by 3 people

        • You are most certainly welcome here, Jane — please don’t ever think you aren’t. I appreciate getting different perspectives, especially as I’m really trying to look for the silver lining (and Trump making mincemeat of Hillary would definitely qualify as a silver lining).

          Liked by 2 people

        • Actually, I’m kinda jealous, Jane. You’ve already got several thumbs up and encouragements. When I take a stand somewhere, I usually get my ass handed to me and get zero thumbs up. But, then, I’m kind of a jerk. 😉

          Liked by 1 person

    • I’m on your side, Jane. Don’t run off! Pete’s right, we’re working this out. You are MOST welcome here! 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

  3. Pistol Pete

    Female West Point cadets investigated after being pictured giving ‘Black Lives Matter’ salute while in uniform


    Sixteen members of West Point class of 2016 pictured giving fist salute
    Women pictured outside Central Barracks wearing their West Point uniform
    Image appears to violate strict codes on displaying political signs
    Military blogger claims women are associated with Black Lives Matter
    Said other cadets fear speaking out against the group in case they are disciplined or expelled themselves for upsetting them



  4. Ting

    There was a line in the American Spectator article that should negate the rest of it. The author says something along the lines of: all of the Republican voters that he likes and respects and meets at conferences will not vote for Trump. He needs to get out in the world and out of the conferences. Then he would have seen it coming.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. solaratov

    I don’t know why all these defeatists whine and snivel that Hillary will be the next president….all because of Trump.Trump is the only one who can beat Hillary. He is the only one who can beat Bernie. And, he is absolutely the ONLY one who can run against Biden and….WIN.

    Trump may be a lot of things….but he’s not a fool and he’s not a loser.

    Liked by 3 people