Paying attention to pH

When I first encountered the idea that body pH was important to health, it made total sense to me. I have been keeping tropical fish for many years and, as all enthusiasts know, maintaining the right* pH in the tank is critical to keeping the fish healthy. Organic waste is acidifying, so as the fish eat, pee, and poo, the water becomes increasingly acidic. Timely water changes are a must for success.

Other things I’ve picked up along the way …

  • A healthy human body is slightly alkaline.
  • Diseases thrive in an acid environment, including diabetes, cancer, arteriosclerosis, and chronic fatigue.
  • Minerals buffer pH, which suggests to me that acidity also causes bone loss.
  • The more acidic my pH is, the higher my pain levels are.

Dearest and I have been working for a long time now to shift our diets to the right on this chart. It gets easier the longer we stick with it, because the foods one eats seem to become the foods one prefers. Plus, the personal connection I have made between pain and pH has been a huge incentive for me to eliminate coffee and only take OTC meds when I can’t get my symptom level low enough naturally** to get a decent night’s sleep.

Acid Alkaline foods chart

I’m going to try this recipe tomorrow. It looks yummy and we have all the ingredients on hand.

*Fish tank pH: Each species of fish has its preferred pH, based on where it comes from in the wild. It’s important to choose fish that are not only compatible socially, but that also need the same pH. The simplest and cheapest thing is to stock only those fish that thrive in the pH that comes out of your tap. A pH test kit costs less than $10. If you want a happy, healthy, beautiful tank, you should test the tank pH often enough to learn how much and how often to do water changes.

**Naturally: I use stuff like prayer and meditation, light exercise (mostly stretching to relieve muscle cramping from pain), epsom salt foot soaks, magnesium oil and essential oil massage, essential oil diffusion, supplements (herbs, vitamins, mineral), and some tonics I mix up myself that I’ve found helpful.

Achieving Alkalinity to Treat Illness and Disease: Changing Your PH Balance

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