From Tyler’s Caringbridge page;
‘Cautiously optimistic’ would be the appropriate term

Latest Journal Update
Official diagnosis, Back to school update, & Links on how to help

By Tyler Levine — Jan 13, 2015 12:34pm
We heard back from Tyler’s nurse practioner that the bone marrow biopsy results came back, and showed that his cancer has not spread. We were told that Tyler’s type of cancer does not have stages, & is classified by whether it is localized, or if it is metastatic. So, after the bone marrow biopsy, CT scan, and nuclear medicine/bone scan, we now know that it is localized, which is very good news, and will help when it comes to local intervention.

Tyler’s return to school yesterday went very well. The kids were all eager to hear about what’s going on with Tyler, and had lots of great questions. He managed to stay the entire day, with only needing to rest for a bit. I spoke with him last night, and he was full of energy & excited for the rest of the week. All of the staff at his school have been very supportive, and we have had several parents already reach out. Being at school, and around is friends, is better than any medicine and will definitely help as we continue treatment.

I appreciate all your prayers more than any words I could manage to convey.






Filed under Family & Friends


  1. Pistol Pete

    Democrat Mayor Of Syracuse Appoints Black Supremacist To School Board

    Stephanie Miner, the Democratic Mayor of Syracuse, N.Y., appointed Mark D. Muhammad to the Syracuse city school board last week.

    Muhammad is a minister in the Nation of Islam — a very wealthy, U.S.-based religious organization that mixes the tenets of Islam with notorious notions of black supremacy. The current leader of the Nation of Islam is Louis Farrakhan.



  2. Pistol Pete

    Senate Advances Keystone Pipeline Bill on Bipartisan 63-32 Vote

    Folks,this is all a setup.The senate still needs four votes to override an Obama veto with a super majority.My bet is they’ll get three.The dems will decide which of them gets to throw the turd in the punch bowl.Loyalty to the king.
    “I know senators from both sides are hungry for a real Senate debate,” said Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY). ” We’ll have an open floor debate on jobs, the middle class, infrastructure and energy.”
    you were “hungry” for a debate for six long years under Reids thumb….how’d that work out for you?


  3. Pistol Pete

    This is funny


  4. Pistol Pete

    Why is Hillary Clinton Silent on Paris Attacks?

    We’ve slammed Obama before for his inattention and laziness, but Hillary Clinton seems to be even worse. And Benghazi is a reminder of how her sloppiness and inattention to important details already cost lives.


  5. Pistol Pete

    President Obama Roasts 2014 NBA Champion Spurs At The White House [VIDEO]

    President Barack Obama’s presence was notably absent at the Unity March in Paris, France on Sunday.

    At the subsequent briefing, White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest was not able to elaborate on Obama’s actions that precluded him from making the trip to Paris, but the administration made great strides in making sure the public knew what the president was doing on Monday: cracking corny jokes about the 2014 NBA Champion San Antonio Spurs


  6. Pistol Pete

    WH spokesliar Marie Barf claims Barry fights all types of terrorism beides Islam…can’t name any


  7. Pistol Pete

    What Not Even the King of England Could Do

    Not even the King of England at the time of the American Revolution had the authority to suspend laws unilaterally, the Law Library expert wrote in a memorandum to the Senate committee tasked with responding to President Obama’s recent executive orders on the enforcement of immigration law.

    One hundred years before the American Revolution, another British king had “attempted to suspend a number of laws,” contributing to the onset of the Glorious Revolution in England, a senior foreign-law specialist at the Law Library writes in the memo to the Senate Judiciary Committee.


  8. Pistol Pete

    House votes to overturn Obama immigration actions, bill heads to Senate
    Nobody is allowed to mess with the king’s commands…NOBODY!
    The vote in the senate will be delayed.Barry will shut the government down over the threatened defunding of DHS;the media whores will blame it all on the eeevil republicans and in the end they’ll give him everything he wants.

    Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid, in a written statement, said the bill would not pass the Senate. “Republicans have only been in control for a week and already they are picking an unnecessary political fight that risks shutting down the Department of Homeland Security and endangering our security,” he said, urging Republicans to pass a “clean” funding bill.


  9. Pistol Pete

    Video– Durbin on the Senate Floor Interrupted By GITMO Protesters in the Gallery

    Senate Sergeant at Arms warns the protesters in the gallery and Republican Sen. Tom Cotton, presiding at the time, strikes the gavel but the demonstrators continue chanting about torture or something
    They don’t realize Barry will empty Gitmo as fast as he can so he can give it back to Comrade Castro.



  10. Pistol Pete

    Principal: Students Can ‘Hurl’ Cans Of Corn at Gunmen As ‘Last Resort’

    This is the type of lunacy thats running our schools.
    The name should tell you all you need to know
    W.F. Burns Middle School principal Princella Holley suggested stockpiling “cans of food such as corn and peas in classrooms” so students could grab them and “hurl” them at school attackers as a “last resort.”

    W.F. Burns Middle School is in Chambers County, Alabama.


    • Principal: Students Can ‘Hurl’ Cans Of Corn at Gunmen As ‘Last Resort’

      Will there be “canned corn safes” where these will be kept? Will teachers be trained in their use? We don’t want students to get their hands on these, they might be used on each other or on teachers! Letting canned corn into the schools is a slimy slope! (Recycling my own joke from Ace this morning.)

      Also in the realm of brilliant ideas in self-defense :
      Company To Sell Fake Gun For Those Who Want To Appear To Be Armed (Truth Revolt)

      What could go wrong!?!!?


  11. Pistol Pete

    ‘Enough is enough!’: Boehner fills House chamber with high drama as he lashes out against Obama in high-stakes immigration battle – and throws his own words back in his face
    This is Kabuki theater at its most base level.Every word The Cheeto of the House utters has been pre-appoved by his master and designed to placate the base.



  12. Young Joe Biden was still the ladies’ man! (I Own the World Report)

    Photo Advisory: What has been seen cannot be unseen.


  13. Pistol Pete

    Obama Takes Credit For College Football Playoff

    “I called for it when I came into office. I think it turned out pretty well…”
    He didn’t even have to read it in the newspaper
    To the speaker, I just want to point out I said there are going to be some things that we agree on. Having a college football playoff is clearly something that we can agree on. I called for it when I came into office. I think it turned out pretty well, particularly for Ohio. So I want to congratulate the Ohio State Buckeyes for their outstanding victory and commend Oregon as well for fielding a great team because their quarterback [Marcus Mariota] is from my original home state of Hawaii.


  14. Pistol Pete

    Col. Ralph Peters just unloads on King Barry I


  15. Pistol Pete

    Lies Are the Life-Support for Obamacare

    After touting 8 million initial sign-ups for medical plans, four months later they engaged in a concerted effort to obscure a heavy drop-out rate of perhaps a million or more enrollees by quietly adding in dental plan sign-ups to exchange numbers.”

    In other words: It almost seems like the administration doesn’t really want to be honest about Obamacare enrollments. And there’s probably a good reason.


  16. Pistol Pete

    Moroccan-born Dutch Mayor to Muslims: If You Don’t Like Freedoms of West “Pack Your Bags & F*ck Off”

    Moroccan-born Mayor of Rotterdam Ahmed Aboutaleb shocked a live television broadcast when he told unhappy Muslims who despise Western culture to,

    “Pack your bags and f*ck off!”

    Aboutaleb is known for his unyielding position against immigrants who refuse to accept the country’s liberal way of life.


  17. I was looking at my newsfeeds, and was excited to see this headline:

    Holder Trial Date Set

    Alas, not the Holder I had hoped for. It was a local story about a fine upstanding dad who tried to force his kid to eat marijuana.


  18. Ting

    Great news about Tyler! Thanks for that update, and all of this other lunacy, too. Hurling cans…I’ll have to remember that if anyone breaks in here while I am at home. Unbelievable.


  19. chrissythehyphenated

    “Localized” …………… tears of joy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  20. chrissythehyphenated

    AWESOME meditation today at Blessed Is She:

    “The more obscure the “ideas” of God and Satan become in our society, the easier it is for Satan to fly under the radar.

    And from the advent of moral relativism to the denial that hell and Satan even exist, it’s clear that the Prince of Darkness and his legions are quietly yet absolutely getting somewhere.”



  21. chrissythehyphenated

    My Rep Tom Reed just posted this:

    I voted today to prohibit funding for President Obama’s unconstitutional executive order on amnesty.

    The legislation that passed the House of Representatives will also provide funding for the Department of Homeland Security, increase funding for border security and includes measures to improve cybersecurity.

    In addition I supported all five amendments to the bill that will prohibit funding for amnesty and I remain strongly opposed to amnesty. It is only fair that legal immigrants who follow the rules are are prioritized over illegal immigrants.

    I believe there is a path to real reform that protects our national security while fixing our broken immigration system. I hope that President Obama will work with Congress to craft a lasting solution that fairly addresses immigration reform.


  22. solaratov

    I know how tough it is to face and fight cancer…and that it must be even tougher for a little guy like Tyler, who probably doesn’t understand a lot of what is being done to him. It must be pretty scary to be that young and have to fight an enemy like that. (It’s great, though, that it’s local and hasn’t metastasized.)
    I just want you to know that my prayers are with him; and that I believe that God will help him.
