Yesterdays post was really gratifying for several reasons.There was some back and forth and a number of people posted links to interesting things I’d missed.It’s hardly possible to cover everything and when I choose what to post it’s only a guess whether anybody will enjoy it.When people add their perspective it really,really helps.Hopefully todays effort won’t be quite as off-the-wall as yesterdays,but no promises.



I remember them well,along with bubble gum cigars

This is precisely what I’d have pulled in Mrs. Ford’s Honors English class.






Filed under Funny Stuff

62 responses to “WEDNESDAY,9/24; 39 DAYS TO GO

  1. Pistol Pete

    President Obama Gesture to Marines Dubbed ‘Latte Salute’
    The video I posted here yesterday went viral in a matter of hours.Patriots everywhere were incensed at the outrageous display of disrespect the Kentan half-breed showed the Marines.From what I can gather,that outrage is not shared by his fawning press who think it’s a joke.They still don’t get it.
    From the article:
    The video drew ridicule from some Instagram users, who saw the unorthodox salute as “un-presidential.”

    “Hopefully it was just a slip by this President,” one user posted.

    Others saw unnecessary nitpicking in the criticism.

    “People are dying from disease, abuse or even hunger,” another user commented on the video. “Priorities.”

    While it is protocol for U.S. service members in uniform to salute the commander in chief, it’s not required for a civilian president to salute back, military experts say. Ronald Reagan is thought to have set precedent for the practice back in 1981.

    However one feels about today’s salute, it’s unlikely any coffee was at play. President Obama prefers hot tea.


    • chrissythehyphenated

      He’s the Commander In Chief of the Armed Forces. Saluting properly in response to his Marine One staff’s salutes demonstrates respect for his office and their service. Saluting improperly demonstrates contempt for both. He has the power to send these people into harm’s way. The least he can do is show them a smidgen of respect. Oh wait … it’s not the least he can do. The LEAST he can do is what he did.


  2. Pistol Pete

    Figures. Obama Admin Censored Press Reports for Years, Lapdog Media Meekly Acquiesced
    The Washington Post’s Paul Farhi reported Tuesday evening that the Obama administration has abused its role as distributor for the print pool reports by exercising prior restraint on the reports. Farhi cites numerous instances where the Obama press office refused to release pool reports until changes demanded by Obama operatives were made. Farhi reports several examples of reporters acquiescing to Obama’s censorship of the media.
    Not exactly a revelation,is it?


    • chrissythehyphenated

      Somebody at WaPo reported this? What are they doing … setting Shrillary up for her “I never liked Obama” campaign platform?


    • chrissythehyphenated

      “The new president of the White House Correspondents Association told Farhi she has received ‘assurances’ the Obama administration will stop censoring the print pool reports.”

      Oh THAT makes me feel all better! Obama said they can keep their reports! Yup. Yup. All better.


  3. Pistol Pete

    Democrats, Honest Elections and Other Fairy Tales
    If you are a citizen of the US, and you don’t have a driver’s license or state issued ID, then you can’t cash a check or get most state or federal benefits issued to them. Being poor, black or hispanic is no excuse for not having an ID. You can’t do business without one. The law states “a free election identification certificate with a photograph issued by DPS for registered voters who need a photo ID
    CASE IN POINT: according to the Registrar of Voters Office of Caddo Parish, State of Louisiana, my friend changed her voter registration from Independent to Democrat on August 12th, 2008.

    My friend died of Leukemia on Jan 26, 2005.

    it is no secret that if the democrats can’t cheat they can’t win.


    • Ting

      This explains a lot – I keep meaning to check the “voting status” of my late relatives.


    • chrissythehyphenated

      This is a principle passed down by Satan … the ends justify the means. Lying for the cause is officially approved by Mohammed the Prophet and by Communist Alinskyites.

      On our side, there’s God who HATES deception. Today’s Responsorial Psalm (Catholic Lectionary) is:

      Responsorial Psalm ps 119:29, 72, 89, 101, 104, 163
      R. (105) Your word, O Lord, is a lamp for my feet.
      Remove from me the way of falsehood,
      and favor me with your law.
      R. Your word, O Lord, is a lamp for my feet.
      The law of your mouth is to me more precious
      than thousands of gold and silver pieces.
      R. Your word, O Lord, is a lamp for my feet.
      Your word, O LORD, endures forever;
      it is firm as the heavens.
      R. Your word, O Lord, is a lamp for my feet.
      From every evil way I withhold my feet,
      that I may keep your words.
      R. Your word, O Lord, is a lamp for my feet.
      Through your precepts I gain discernment;
      therefore I hate every false way.
      R. Your word, O Lord, is a lamp for my feet.
      Falsehood I hate and abhor;
      your law I love.
      R. Your word, O Lord, is a lamp for my feet.


  4. Pistol Pete

    Hicken-Weasel: Why Colorado’s Gutless Gov Is in Trouble
    Spinning furiously like a Soul Cycle instructor, a left-leaning journalist at The Washington Post on Monday blamed “partisan venom” and “a polarized, hyper-partisan environment” for Hickenlooper’s fall. But the flaky, gutless gov has no one to blame but himself.
    Looks like Grunt may get a new governor


  5. Pistol Pete

    Obama: Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State One of the Best Decisions I Ever Made
    Thats what he said;
    What he meant was:I got rid of that meddling bitch and her camera-hogging old man by sending her on a four year long world tour paid for by y’all taxpayers.
    Tell me ValJar’s never worn a burka before

    “I still have a lot of debt to pay, though, because the two of them were separated far too often,” Obama said, referring to the former first couple.

    Obama met with Hillary backstage before the speech and noted that she had the “post-administration glow right now.”


  6. Pistol Pete

    Why Wisconsin won’t become Illinois
    But anyone who doubts the wisdom of Walker’s reforms — and the self-interested short-sightedness of the public union bosses — need only look southward to neighboring Illinois.

    Public sector unions’ robust political influence in Illinois has brought the Prairie State to a tipping point. Not only have public employee retirement costs become unsustainable, but union interests have also helped ensure that even basic reforms are impossible. Their court challenges and election-year muscle are preventing the state’s recent, feeble attempts at pension and benefit reforms, threatening to stick already-overtaxed Illinoisans with ever-larger bills.


    • Ting

      I heard the jerk Larry Sabato (he lives just up the road a piece) say that Illinois might flip it’s governorship to Republican this fall. Do you dare hope?


      • Pistol Pete

        Rauner is a successful venture capitalist.He is self-funded.From what I can tell he’s a good man.Pat Quinn is a lying,union crony shitheel pimp.Unfortunately this is Illinois.Quinn won the last election carrying two counties….St. Clair ,which is where East St. Louis is and,of course,Crook County.They always come up with just enough fraud to win.Been doing it since 1960.

        Liked by 1 person

  7. Pistol Pete

    Muslim woman uses race card against police and fails miserably!


  8. Pistol Pete

    NOT KIDDING: Obama complains about OTHER countries for trying to silence dissent
    After all that Tea Party groups have been through because they were targeted by Obama’s IRS, Obama has the audacity to call out other countries for trying to crackdown on legitimate dissent. Talk about narcissism.

    Not only that, but he decries ‘endless regulations’ as though his hands were clean. Hello Obamacare? Hello EPA? Geez.
    If this isn’t the pot calling the kettle ‘racist’ then I don’t know what is.

    NOT KIDDING: Obama complains about OTHER countries for trying to silence dissent


  9. freedom1781

    Obama: My Foreign Policy Is ‘American Leadership at It’s Best’

    Ugh. What hogwash!


  10. Pistol Pete

    D’Souza Speaks Out on Sentencing: There Was ‘All-Out Attempt to Put Me Away’
    D’Souza was indicted in January for campaign finance, and pled guilty in May. D’Souza had suggested on multiple occasions that he was targeted for his criticisms of President Obama, a charge prosecutors strongly denied.


  11. Pistol Pete

    Ruth Bader Ginsberg to liberals: You really think Obama can replace me?
    “We’re going to have Supreme Court appointments,” Obama said. Immediately, all eyes turned to the most senior liberal justice on the bench, Ruth Bader Ginsberg.

    <img src="Associate Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg in her Supreme Court chambers in Washington. (AP Photo/Cliff Owen, File)” alt=”” />
    “All I can say is that I am still here and likely to remain for a while,” the Notorious RBG, as her supporters in the liberal blogosphere inexplicably call her, told Yahoo News in the wake of Obama’s comments.

    Don’t doubt for a second if the democrats thought any republican stood a ghost of a chance of defeating the bloody Bitch of Benghazi,RBG would surely have an unfortunate accident or suddenly need to retire.Supreme Court is where the liberals get all of their agenda done that they can’t get legislatively

    just in Case you think the leftist judges are NOT highly partisan:
    Ruth Bader Ginsburg goes political: I can’t resign with this Senate
    Supreme CourtJustice Ruth Bader Ginsburg took a hard look at the political landscape, saw a Senate that was looming as unfavorable to her leanings and summed up her fate: I can’t resign now — there’s nobody like me who could be confirmed,she said.
    That tells you everything you need to know.


  12. Pistol Pete

    Dyson Vacuum Cleaner Commercial
    I saw this and thought:thats really sick…Grunt will dig it.


    • Ting

      Funny! I had to use quite a few public restrooms while traveling last week. One of them, in an airport that was either in Providence or Philadelphia, had a new way to air dry your hands. Those things never work for me, but this one did. I noticed it was made by Dyson.


  13. Pistol Pete

    Burn It Down!’: Group Reportedly Breaks Into Ferguson Store, Gunfire Heard as Chaos Threatens to re-emerge
    A group of individuals reportedly broke into a Beauty Town store in Ferguson, Missouri, as the sounds of gunfire and police sirens filled the air on Tuesday night.

    A woman kneels at a memorial Tuesday, Sept. 23, 2014, at the site where 18-year-old Michael Brown was killed by police in Ferguson, Mo. A second memorial, background right, was rebuilt by residents after it burned early Tuesday, causing many who live near the scene to become upset.

    “Burn it down!” one person yelled after breaking into the store, according to St. Louis Alderman Antonio French.
    Not big deal….just shopping day in the ‘hood


  14. Pistol Pete

    Obama Slumps to 35 in Latest Approval Poll
    Barack Obama’s approval rating slid into dangerous territory this week, with the latest Reuters-Ipsos poll showing just 35 percent of Americans approve of the president’s job performance even as he leads the nation into a war against Islamic fundamentalism in the Middle East.
    He might have some cause for concern…if he ever had to answer to anybody for anything he does for the rest of his worthless life.


    • chrissythehyphenated

      Final Judgment is going to come as such a shock! He’ll swagger in, expecting the five-star treatment he’s always been given for doing absolutely nothing, and God will say, “Begone. I never knew you.” As Satan’s screws drag him out of the throne room, he’s screaming, “But I’m Baraaaaaaack Obaaaaaaaaaaaama.”

      Book of Wisdom, chapter 3, verses 1-11:

      “The souls of the righteous are in the hand of God, and no torment shall touch them. They seemed, in the view of the foolish, to be dead; and their passing away was thought an affliction and their going forth from us, utter destruction. But they are in peace. For if to others, indeed, they seem punished, yet is their hope full of immortality; Chastised a little, they shall be greatly blessed, because God tried them and found them worthy of himself. As gold in the furnace, he proved them, and as sacrificial offerings he took them to himself. In the time of their judgment they shall shine and dart about as sparks through stubble; They shall judge nations and rule over peoples, and the LORD shall be their King forever. Those who trust in him shall understand truth, and the faithful shall abide with him in love: Because grace and mercy are with his holy ones, and his care is with the elect. But the wicked shall receive a punishment to match their thoughts, since they neglected righteousness and forsook the LORD. For those who despise wisdom and instruction are doomed. Vain is their hope, fruitless their labors, and worthless their works.”


  15. Pistol Pete

    We now enter the weird part of today’s program
    Psycho Dad Shreds Video Games


  16. Pistol Pete

    Mother Bakes Vagina Cookies For 2nd Graders And Bugs Out When Teacher Says ‘No’
    This is a story about a woman who wanted her second grader to know that vaginas come in all shapes, colors and sizes. It’s also the story of really questionable parenting.
    A mother with an interesting take on empowering female children, pseudonym Autumn, signed up to bring in baked goods to her child’s class.

    But when Autumn arrived, tray in hand, every single cookie was shaped like a vagina. The teacher noted that every kind of vagina was represented, including “small, puffy, white, brown, shaved, bald, and even a fire crotch.” They were frosted accordingly.

    I’d bet a dollar to a dog biscuit “Autumn” was conceived in the back of a VW bus by a couple bead-wearing,pot-smoking addle-brained ‘hippies.’
    Either that or her brain was fried by hallucinogenics and a public school indoctrination.


    • Ting

      I would never know what those things were supposed to be if you hadn’t told me. I doubt the second graders would, either, but I guess the teacher didn’t want to take a chance!


    • chrissythehyphenated

      I don’t see one showing a mutilated vagina, so it’s not “all” kinds which means it’s not a fully inclusive snack!! Throw them ALL OUT. Plus, sugar and food dye! Ewwwww!


      • That’s a real good point. If literally millions of women around the world (maybe 100s of millions) have had most of those “cookie parts” involuntarily removed, that lady is not being inclusive at all. That’s a totally non-Islamic, racist display.

        Liked by 1 person

  17. Pistol Pete

    3-Breasted Woman A Fake..So Is Her Third Boob
    Jasmine Tridevil (Alisha Hessler is her real name), the “3-breasted” 21-year-old, is as fake as her third boob. Yes, her third boob is a fake. Not a surgically implanted fake. But a prosthesis.

    She faked her addatittome surgery!


  18. Pistol Pete

    Welcome to the office bra party
    Like Tupperware and Avon parties before them, bra parties are just the latest way for women to bond while buying consumer goods — only now that women make up more than half the work force, such parties have followed them from the living room, where they used to be held, to the office.


  19. Pistol Pete

    This blog started out normally but somewhere along the way went careening off the rails and into absurdity.Thats what happens when you hire cheap help.
    Rachel Riley Countdown Wardrobe malfunction HD 1080p


    • *snork* ‘Normally’ is not a word I’d use to describe your compilations, Pete. We truly never know what to expect! But the “careening off the rails” part is pretty accurate, today. You must have had extra sugar in your Wheaties! 😀


    • chrissythehyphenated

      My math teacher taught an entire class once with the back hem of her skirt caught up in the waist of her pantyhose. I remember everyone being very uncomfortable, but no one snickering, not even the boys, which is saying something for 9th graders. It’s probably a testament to what a good teacher she was.


  20. freedom1781

    Saw this over at iOTW.

    48 Really Stupid Things That Climate Fear Mongers Have Blamed on Global Warming

    I’m sure my liberal sister believes half of these…


  21. chrissythehyphenated

    A former CIA asset, Dr. Jim Garrow, is making headlines again by claiming that Barack Obama is an Indonesian citizen who was educated in a school for Imams and subsequently put in place by the Saudis to bring down America.

    The man is a conundrum. After he was in Indonesia, his mother dumped him on her parents in Hawaii, where he was mentored by a flaming Communist. Apart from “the ends justify the means”, Islam and Communism are fundamentally incompatible.


  22. This is fun! Post-Obama-Stress Therapy! You can’t do anything about this lame-duck POSOTUS, but you can fling around the Barry Voodoo Rag Doll as much as you want. Achieve peace the therapeutic way! 🙂


  23. Twitterverse makes fun of our State Dept spox, and the Russians pile on. Good times.


    • chrissythehyphenated

      @statedeptspox What part of arming Syrian jihadists makes you think it is a good idea? Is it the “Syrian” part or the “rebels” part? #AskJen

      Funny thing … she didn’t answer that one.
