Posted by Pistol Pete

So much information,so little bandwidth.

Sadly,I’ll miss the State of the Coup show. There’s a new episode of Hardcore Pawn,a series about a Jewish guy and his two spoiled-rotten and exceedingly obnoxious kids who pawn mostly-stolen goods from the denizens of Detroilet for little or nothing and watch the hilarity when Obama voters go ballistic when they finds out them diamonds ain’t real or set to arguing with Les,the dad,which prompts the security dudes,all over 6’7″ and well over 300 lbs. escort them out. Sure,it’s all staged,but it’s no worse than the garbage those without cable will be forced to watch.

Added by CtH cuz they go good here:

2014_01 The REAL State of the Union

BHO and Race in one cartoon


Filed under Funny Stuff


  1. Pistol Pete

    Obama to lay out go-it-alone approach in big speech
    income inequality,blah,blah,blah
    pathway to citizenship,blah,blah,blah
    44 months of job gains,blah,blah,blah
    energy independence,blah,blah,blah
    about an hour of bull blah blah–finance.html


  2. Pistol Pete

    Democrats to trot out unemployed Americans at State of the Union
    Let the annual parade of victims begin


  3. Pistol Pete

    Federal workers will get a 39 per cent raise of minimum wage to $10.10 an hour, Obama will announce in State of the Union Speech
    President Obama will announce the move in tonight’s State of the Union
    Will take effect for new federal contracted workers- including janitors, construction workers, staff at military bases- at the beginning of next year
    One example of how Obama is trying to bypass Congress in order to get new initiatives passed
    he can’t raise the federal minimum wage until he appoints himself leader-for-life.Otherwise he needs Congress’ approval.


  4. Pistol Pete

    Hillary’s Top 7 Elitist Moments
    Some of these you may not be aware of.


    • chrissythehyphenated

      I know a cop who was assigned to work her security a couple times when she was in his town. He said she was an arrogant, mean-spirited, ungrateful, potty mouth.

      E.g., She demanded he leave his security post to fetch her a cup of coffee. He respectfully declined, because … well, you don’t need that explained, right? She f**d him for doing his actual job protecting her fat, bitchy ass.


  5. Pistol Pete

    CNN apologizes profusely after airing video of Hillary Clinton laughing
    Can you remember the last time any media outlet apologized or,even admitted,heavily-edited hatchet jobs on Republicans?Neither can I.


  6. Pistol Pete

    McConnell: We Won’t Treat Debt Limit Bill ‘Like Some Kind of Motherhood Resolution’
    Keep on lying,you backstabbing,bloated-ass jerkoff.
    You already have a deal worked out with the libs and you know it.


  7. Pistol Pete

    Carnage:passing Obamacare was worth it,even if we lose seats.
    They got it jammed through and with control over peoples’ very lives at stake,they’re not going to give it up.Any war has casualties.


  8. Pistol Pete

    Dear America, here’s your neutered Republican Party leadership
    This exchange with Chris Wallace from Sunday shows what a duplicitous prick the Senate Minority leader really is.

    Dear America, here’s your neutered Republican Party leadership


  9. Pistol Pete

    Giving to Congress Information of the State of the Union
    “As undignified as it is unedifying and unnecessary, the vulgar State of the Union circus is again at our throats.

    The document that the Constitutional Convention sent forth from Philadelphia for ratification in 1787 was just 4,543 words long, but this was 17 too many. America would be a sweeter place if the Framers had not included this laconic provision pertaining to the president: ‘He shall from time to time give to the Congress information of the state of the union.’

    “‘Information’? Not exactly.

    “The Constitution’s mild requirement has become a tiresome exercise in political exhibitionism, the most execrable ceremony in the nation’s civic liturgy, regardless of which party’s president is abusing it. You worship bipartisanship? There is not a dime’s worth of difference between the ways the parties try to milk partisan advantage from this made-for-television political pep rally.” — George F. Will


  10. Pistol Pete

    WaPo Columnist: ‘Thong Flashing’ Monica Lewinsky Was Asking To Be Seduced By Bill Clinton
    Anybody think this may have something to do with Killary running for preezy?Hmmmm?
    Does the term:nuts and sluts ring a bell?


    • chrissythehyphenated

      If Bill had ever had a shred of decency, he could easily have had any too-enticing female kept away from him. Instead, they were encouraged to come. This is totally on him. I was sexually abused. I know this stuff.

      The key factor in a differential relationship (boss-employee, doctor-patient, teacher-student, priest-parishioner, caregiver-child) is that the more powerful person, the one with the perceived (and sometimes real) power and authority is the one responsible for misconduct.

      It’s not just a job that can give a person enough power/authority to impede the possibility of consensual sex. E.g., gender (males generally more than women), personality (some people are just more dominant or more passive), size (big vs small, strong vs weak) can also be involved.

      The Left loves to drag out priest sex scandals, but when it gets to Bill vs. Monica, it’s just “personal” and “her fault” and “nobody’s business.”

      A therapist told me the only way a priest could ever have consensual sex was if the partner was also a mature adult and, key point, that person DID NOT KNOW HE WAS A PRIEST. He said it wouldn’t matter if the partner was Catholic or not. “Priest” is just that powerful a figure.

      Translate that to Bill vs. Monica. He was her boss. He was old enough to be her father. He was male and bigger. And he was the FREAKING PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. Monica may have believed she was in a consensual relationship, but according to the sexual abuse standard I learned, she was NOT CAPABLE OF GIVING CONSENT in that context.

      It was HIS FAULT from start to finish.


      • A friend of mine went through something like this. She was a ward of the state (her parents had kicked her out), she attempted suicide, she was institutionalized, she escaped, she ran away, and eventually ended up as a resident at a “Christian” (ahem) rehabilitation home… where the director — a man in his thirties with a wife and two kids — became her legal guardian. He began sexually abusing her soon afterward, and the abuse ended only when she turned 21 and was no longer a ward of the state. She was the mother of a two-year-old by this time and had to go on welfare, since (obviously) no one was paying child support. She didn’t tell anyone who her daughter’s father was until years later (and weirdly, no one ever asked!)… and then when the worthless jerk was exposed for the lying hypocrite he was, he insisted that the relationship had been — you guessed it — “consensual.” Astonishingly, many of the people involved in the organization accepted his explanation, and some even blamed the girl for having seduced him. According to their thinking, she was just a promiscuous little slut who had tried to destroy the ministry of this wonderful man of God. Pardon me while I go throw up…


  11. Pistol Pete

    UMich meets demands of black students who threatened ‘physical action’
    If you recall,I posted this last week.I said they’d get what they demanded.
    After making a list of seven demands and threatening “physical action” if they were not met within one week, a black student organization at the University of Michigan will now have its most expensive wish — a $300,000 renovation of the campus multicultural center — granted by administrators.


  12. Pistol Pete

    The Disney Channel to debut first lesbian couple on episode of Good Luck Charlie.
    Back in the day,I would rush in to watch Disney’s Wonderful World of Color-on our black and white TV until 1963.Now my grandchildren are having homosexuality force-fed to them.For only being 2% of the population,they sure get a lot of consideration.


    • chrissythehyphenated

      I feel the same about this as I do about Islam. There are good gays and good Muslims. But the activist movements are evil.


      • If I were gay or muslim, it would infuriate me that the few whackos within my particular demographic group were the ones that get the most publicity. They all get tarred with the same brush. I guess it’s kind of like being a Catholic priest, upwards of 98% of whom have never molested a child, yet their entire profession gets stereotyped as a gang of creepy pedophiles.


  13. Pistol Pete

    Duck ‘Diversity’: TV’s ‘Duck Dynasty’ star Willie Robertson offers ‘diversity’ to Obama’s State of the Union
    He’ll be a guest of new La. congressman he campaigned for.
    he won’t be hard to pick out…amongst the tailored suits and designer dresses he’ll be the one with long hair,beard.stars and stripes bandanna and probably camo boots.


  14. Pistol Pete

    Tea Party Favorite Lays Into Obama’s Newest Executive Order in CNN Interview: ‘Unconstitutional,’ ‘Contempt,’ a ‘Violation’
    OK,what’s your point?


  15. Pistol Pete

    Do-Overs’: Hillary Opens Up About Benghazi, Calls It the ‘Biggest…Regret’ of Her Time at the State Dept.
    bullshiite.Her only regret is she didn’t get away with it.
    I mean, you know, you make these choices based on imperfect information,” she added. “And you make them to, as we say, the best of your ability. But that doesn’t mean that there’s not going to be unforeseen consequences, unpredictable twists and turns
    Would that also apply to George W. Bush in Iraq?Hmmm?


  16. Pistol Pete

    African-Americans Squeezed Out of Housing Market – Can’t Find Jobs
    Yet these poor,illiterate political idolators will STILL vote for every democrat that comes down the road to keep them enslaved to a welfare check.


  17. Pistol Pete

    Get Ready To See Michelle Obama’s Face Plastered All Over Your Local Subway Sandwich Shop
    Subway is way overpriced anyway.


  18. Pistol Pete

    Even BBC Rips Obama: “There’s an Undeniable Sense of Stagnation in America Today” (Video)
    Wow!… Even the BBC is dissing Obama these days.
    In their coverage of Obama’s SOTU address the BBC asks the question, “Is anyone listening anymore?” And, then they blast Obama for his failing policies and point out that income inequality is worse today in America than in most of Europe.

    “His approval rating has sunk to the lowest ever. He’s lost credibility around the world. And then there’s his terrible relationship with a gridlocked Congress. Obama craves momentum but his presidency is stuck…

    The health care disaster blind-sided the White House and it shows. There’s an undeniable sense of stagnation in America at the moment and the world is feeling it. Take the issue of social mobility. It’s actually worse here than in most of Europe. And the gap between rich and poor is growing faster here than it is anywhere else. But this is the issue that President Obama hopes to use to give Democrats a rallying cry in the midterm elections and help with his presidency… The time for grand ideas is past


  19. What A Hoot

    Liberal tweet focuses on Congress not on a single word the dicktraitor said.
    “USA chant? Tell me I imagined that. ‪#‎stayclassycongress‬ ‪#‎SOTU‬”
    What am I missing here; like what the heck is wrong with chanting USA? Surely, I am interpreting this incorrectly. Nah, to be for USA is to be against Obama and this was his speech. sss (so so sad)


    • chrissythehyphenated

      People who chant USA also fetishize the Constitution. I’m proud to stand with them. USA! USA! USA!


  20. chrissythehyphenated

    I googled about Putin and that quote. As best as I could find, someone else first said it about something and someone else. Putin apparently never spoke the words, but some say his actions have expressed the intent. I haven’t followed him closely enough to say. All that being said … it’s a great quote.
