Posted by Pistol Pete

Added by CtH … in the “I can’t wait” category:


Filed under Funny Stuff

53 responses to “THE DAILY PETE’S PIX

  1. Pistol Pete

    Whoever writes his material is really good.His timing was impeccable and got some outstanding zingers in against Bam.


    • GP

      I was watching this last night while doing my rebounding.
      Rebounding is so much fun.
      Last night, I was jumping for joy!
      Mitt had me in stitches.
      Laughter + exercise=great medicine!


    • Mitt’s performance was downright Reaganesque.

      I loved “The president’s remarks are brought to you by the letter O and the number 16 trillion.”


      • What A Hoot

        Mitt is a stateman, in its purest form. I was touched at his closing, to see the people he was speaking to — They seemed to appreciate his recognition of their charity and the depth of their, some of which he could identify with. It was apparent they took him as genuine, sincere, and connected with him, heart to heart. A big moment, in my opinion.


        • GP

          He really was eloquent in this, Obama just finished with a campaign pitch.
          And Why was Chrissie Tingles sitting front and center. He has got to be the most fallen catholic I have ever seen, next to piglosi of course.


  2. Pistol Pete

    He threw in a line about 7.8 unemployment and killing Bin Laden with no connection to anything-just needed to brag about it


    • What A Hoot

      It doesn’t matter if your vice president is a cad, a goof, Crazy Joe, and/or totally incompetent, you do not throw him under the bus and make fun of him. His little roast should have been from he and Biden with cracks about Mitt and Ryan AND NOT making fun of your own vp with the same jokes the opposition makes. Meanspirited.

      Also, the whole not being able to use his middle name…….because why, Hussein? Because you think Americans judge people by the spelling of the name and not the content of their character? The only way someone with the name Hussein for a name to be held against him is IF HE WAS A MUSLIM TERRORIST OR A FRIEND OF THE ISLAM TERRORISTS AROUND THE WORLD OR BOWS TO FOREIGN LEADERS……….. This makes it easier to see how you find the Tea Party a bunch of terrorist.

      His ending seemed shallow and rushed compared to Mitts, which I suspect he could see he had already lost the audience’s attention.


      • chrissythehyphenated

        One of the sweetest ER docs I ever had was named Dr. Husseini. I think he was a refugee from Iran. My 6 week old was breathing in a scary way, but not in any way that made any sense, so he decided to drag our pediatrician out of bed at 3 am to come in.

        There was noone else in the ER that night, my baby was DARLING (we do very cute babies in our gene pool, as you all well know), so the nurses kidnapped her and I chatted with Dr. Husseini. He was wry and funny about his inexperience with newborns and giggled a bit about dragging our regular doc out in the middle of the night. Then he looked over at the nurses cooing at my little one, winked and said, “You better keep an eye on them, make sure they don’t sneak out of here with that cute kid of yours!”

        Sleepy pediatrician ordered blood work, x-rays and a spinal tap, then admitted my cutie for “lack of age.” She said a baby that young can become critically ill within ten minutes and we lived too far away to risk it. Only after we were sure she did not have anything horrible, like spinal meningitis, and her breathing was normal, did we all conclude it was “probably a virus” and we got to go home. Some months later, she, me and Dearest all had thrush, probably from the potent antibiotic they gave her. Nystatin tastes nasty. But then, so does thrush.

        Anyway … Obama’s assumption that his name affects me in any negative way kinda gets my back up. I can’t help but think he’s projecting his own bigotry on everyone around him, including me. And I ain’t no bigot.


        • “Projecting” is the key word here. Bigots do it all the time. Bigots like to assume that everyone else is just as bigoted as they are.


          • chrissythehyphenated

            I think it’s human nature to expect that others think like you do. I believe it is why the GOP has been the “dumb party” … not because we’re actually dumb, but because we’re honest and truthful, so we expect that Dems are as well. It’s taken a long time for us to catch on about Alinsky et al. May we be wise as serpents without losing the gentle as doves part.


        • What A Hoot

          Exactly! I took it as a slap.


    • I’ve watched these several times (each time someone new walked in the room!). This was a real “debate,” equal time, uninterrupted, and free-form. Best of the series!

      Romney cut deep into the quick with a velvet sword, smiling and looking almost bashful. If Mitt stumbled, it was when he delivered a harsh punch line too quickly, as if he didn’t want to be too cruel to poor old out-of-his-league Barack.

      Obama practically did Romney’s work for him, but old golden throat’s timing did not compare; he stuuuhhh-ttered twice in the first sentence. His audience was not as properly responsive as his usual sycophant squad. He really only seemed comfortable with those few good jokes that were not at his own expense.

      Romney was self-effacing and genuinely funny; Obama, painfully, reminded us at practically every turn of everything that’s wrong with himself and his abysmal administration. It wasn’t so much funny as it was astonishing that he didn’t incinerate on the spot from embarrassment.

      That one point (1:08 in the video above), before O goes into the Cuomo joke, turn up the volume. He could be just kind-of saying uhhhhh real low, but he growls! I’d almost think this was comparable to a newsreader who was just handed a story, the behavior of a person who hadn’t seen any of these jokes until he was in the middle of delivery! I got the impression he was ready to eviscerate the writer, but give the old faker props, he masked it all the way through a remarkably self-destroying speech.

      I even wondered if they had the same speechwriter!


      • What A Hoot

        “I even wondered if they had the same speechwriter” Sure seems so the way Obama’s jokes were almost rebuttals and in the order practically as Romney delivered his jokes. I thought maybe a group were writing responsive jokes as Romney was speaking, and then handed them to O as he went to the front. Or maybe they had a pool of jokes ahead of time that they picked from to fit as response to Mitt’s words. If not this strange scenario, then same speech writers or ….. someone from Mitt’s circle gave the jokes ahead of time to OT (that’s for Obama’s Team and also stands for Off Topic) and that is why seemed a rebuttal. Desperate people.


  3. Pistol Pete



    • GP

      Bill is out for Bill.
      Like barry, he needs to be out in front of his adoring minions to massage his ego.
      I still do not get how women swoon over this man, who used and abused women his whole life, including his wife.


      • That’s one of life’s enduring mysteries. But then I never understood what women saw in any of the Kennedy brothers either. Every other female of my generation seemed to think they were all dreamboats. I never found any of them even remotely attractive.


        • chrissythehyphenated

          I felt that way about the Beatles as well. And Elvis. And Wayne Newton. I saw the latter perform once and ladies were standing on the seats, screaming. It made me embarrassed to be female.


        • What A Hoot

          Kenedys had too much hair, too much face, and too much teeth for my liking.


          • GP

            I agree with you both. I thought the Kennedys were homely guys. And what is with the Jackie was sooooooo beautiful bit? That women was just plain jane ugly if you ask me. Her square jaw and wideset eyes?
            Mitt looks like he could be a male model. I wonder if he will get the gay vote just for his looks? lol
            As for the beatles-I think there is just a certain kind of thing in some girls that makes them go crazy. I loved their music, but never saw the attraction to the dorky Englishmen. Same thing with Sting. I could listen to his music for hours, but he just does nothing for me. I dated a lot of guys who looked a lot better than any of them.
            Except Mitt. Never had a boyfriend who was hunky AND rich!


            • chrissythehyphenated

              If Mitt doesn’t get the gay vote, Ryan’s abs might LOL.


              • chrissythehyphenated

                Another demo we haven’t considered … clothing designers. I heard they loathe MOOCH, who refuses to be personally fitted (ashamed of her body?) and makes their clothes look like crap. As I recall, the designer who did the coffee filter inauguration gown said he would never let her wear his stuff again.

                Just for comparison’s sake … I’m adding the photo of Mitt and Ann before the Catholic do above. !! Now THAT’S what I want my national representatives to look like … CLASSY from top to bottom.

                Speaking of bottom … one of my pet peeves with the Bams has been their hem lines. Both of them wear stuff TOO DAMN LONG. His pants puddle on his shoes; she has to hold her skirts up to walk without tripping. Hems on both men and women should just brush the top of the toe of the shoe. A man’s pant may have a single break in the crease, but no more. A woman’s gown should not, repeat NOT touch the floor, except in back IF it has a train.


  4. Pistol Pete



  5. Pistol Pete



  6. Pistol Pete

    Bad move


  7. Pistol Pete

    For some unexplained reason,fate maybe,I happened to tune in to this yesterday.They were so rude to Ann it was shameful especially in light of the way they slobbered over the Kenyan and his pet camel.


    • chrissythehyphenated

      They’re so stupid to think this will help their own candidate in any way. The only people who enjoy the Left’s ugly face is others on the LEFT. Moderate Democrats and Undecided Independents are the people who don’t even want to talk, much less fight about politics, until they have to decide who to vote for.


    • GP

      The comparison to how they fawn over Mechelle and actually ask Ann tough questions is nauseating.
      We need The Other View!
      (but of course, that will never happen because the women who watch this dingbats might actually get the truth).


    • What A Hoot

      Ann was so in control of the situation. I have never seen Whoopsie shut down before. She just gave up. Barabara did not even try to engage and ended up saying something like, “You know what I think? I think you are a good advocate for your husband.” I think the View Gals realized into the show that the audience was listening and hearing Anne and they could not, with their low ratings as they are, turn on her and get ugly. I mean, usually all the ladies are talking over each other and with Ann it was mostly one at a time flapping jaw.

      If I could stomach it, I would rewatch to see at what point it began to dawn on the View Vipers that that are so, so passe.

      There has been a lot of comments flying around town questioning Ann’s judgement about going on Leno and The View. Well, she goes because she CAN. She has studied the opposition, knows their weapons, learned how to go into combat, and shows up armed with ANN. And she walks away without a bruise. Every time. The media tries to hype up silly little things but they are falling flat quicker as more are hearing her and respecting her.

      Yeah Ann.


  8. Pistol Pete

