BUYcott: When free people fight libtard BOYcotts with their wallets

Speaking of which … isn’t a BOYcott an offensive term? What about GIRLcotts?! Huh? Huh?!

2d AMENDMENT Restaurant offers discount for armed customers

Anti-gun activist Maria Faisal is furious. She stated, “Fewer guns mean less crime. It is crazy to encourage people to bring guns into the public sphere.” Obviously she’s done no fact checking or statistical reviews whatsoever.

2 Amendment If gun control worked



Filed under Gun Control

6 responses to “BUYcott: When free people fight libtard BOYcotts with their wallets

  1. Ting

    Wasn’t is a man with a gun who stopped the second woman from being killed and beheaded in Oklahoma? I have never had a gun, but the last few weeks I am thinking that has got to change.


    • Ting: “I have never had a gun, but the last few weeks I am thinking that has got to change.”

      If someone at your workplace should seem upset that you won’t convert to Islam (seems to be a virus going around this season), you might be well advised to be as ready for self-defense as possible.

      Liked by 1 person

    • chrissythehyphenated

      Go for it. One of my favorite movie lines EVER was in Blindside when Sandra Bullock’s character patted her purse and told the armed gang thug that she was always packing. He sneered and said, “Awwww whatchoo got in dere, a little Saturday night special?” And she said, “Yes. And shoots good the other six days of the week too.”

      Liked by 1 person