I will NOT be holding my nose in November

In 2008, I voted against Obama and for Palin. But this fall, I will be not just voting against Obama, but also for Romney.

Obama’s Failed Investments: Warnings and Red Flags [1:11]

Obama’s taxpayer-funded investments failed, and thousands of workers lost their jobs. Obama has yet to take responsibility.

The Promise of America [2:30]

Americans love America and are tired of weak leadership.


Filed under Barack Obama, Economy, Elections, Mitt Romney, Unemployment

5 responses to “I will NOT be holding my nose in November

  1. KellyM.

    I am happy to say, I am starting to believe that I will not have to hold me nose, either!!!!


  2. GP

    I am still holding my breath, wondering if I will need to hold my nose and vote for Romney.
    But I am certain I will be voting AGAINST barry.


  3. I haven’t voted FOR a president since 1984, when I voted for Reagan. Since then, all my votes have been “against.” This November my vote will be first and foremost against Obama. But I am warming up to Mitt, and if he gets Allen West to run with him, I’ll warm up a lot more.

    I did get to vote FOR a really terrific governor in 2010. I got to vote for him again last month, and I’ll get to vote for him AGAIN next week. I know how much you all envy me! 🙂


  4. A Mindful Webworker

    I appreciate the sentiment. Really! After McCain, Romney seems like a dynamo. After Obama, he seems like a savior.

    But, if you’re not holding your nose while voting, your sense of smell must be damaged. Three years of living in reek can distort the senses! The usually unscented “at least he’s not Obama” actually seems attractively fragrant!


    • chrissythehyphenated

      Actually, Romney was my first choice in 2008, so it’s not that big a stretch for me.
